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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-15363

After upgrade Fuse Online 7.6 to 7.7 via fuse online update script, the jaeger-operator SA not contains syndesis pull secret [OCP 3.11 only]



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      If the jaeger-operator pod gets stuck in ErrImagePull/ImagePullBackOff state after the update 7.6->7.7, run these commands:

      oc secrets link jaeger-operator syndesis-pull-secret --for=pull
      oc delete `oc get -o name pod -l name=jaeger-operator`
      If the jaeger-operator pod gets stuck in ErrImagePull/ImagePullBackOff state after the update 7.6->7.7, run these commands: oc secrets link jaeger- operator syndesis-pull-secret -- for =pull oc delete `oc get -o name pod -l name=jaeger- operator `


      After updating Fuse Online 7.6 to 7.7 via fuse online update script on OCP 3.11, the jaeger-operator service account doesn't have the syndesis-pull-secret in imagePullSecrets for pulling image which results in ImagePullBackOf because the jaeger operator pod cannot pull image from`registry.redhat.io`. It looks that the jaeger-operator service account is deleted and created again during the update. (but the syndesis pull secret is not linked to jaeger-operator SA again)

      [mkralik@localhost fuse-online-install]$ oc get sa
      NAME                       SECRETS   AGE
      builder                    3         24m
      default                    2         25m
      deployer                   2         24m
      jaeger-operator            2         6m
      syndesis-default           2         21m
      syndesis-integration       2         21m
      syndesis-jaeger            2         4m
      syndesis-jaeger-ui-proxy   2         4m
      syndesis-oauth-client      2         22m
      syndesis-operator          2         23m
      syndesis-prometheus        2         21m
      syndesis-server            2         21m

      Shouldn't the update script (https://github.com/syndesisio/fuse-online-install/blob/1.11.x/update_ocp.sh#L164) contain a command to linking jaeger-operator SA with syndesis pull secret same as the install script ( https://github.com/syndesisio/fuse-online-install/blob/1.11.x/install_ocp.sh#L331 ) ?

      Was there any change between test builds which should cause that jaeger-operator SA is deleted and created again? Because in the previous build, the update script did an update successfully on OCP 3.11. I have also tried the update from 7.5->7.6 and there isn't this issue (the jaeger-operator SA is still the same)




            cmiranda@redhat.com Claudio Miranda
            mkralik@redhat.com Matej Kralik
            Matej Kralik Matej Kralik
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

