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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-14518

Jaeger operator installed by Syndesis 1.11 affects other namespaces


    • Icon: Clarification Clarification
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • fuse-7.8-GA
    • fuse-7.8-GA
    • Fuse Online
    • None

      Jaeger operator used in Syndesis 1.11.x, which is installed by OperatorHub, has Managed Namespaces set on All Namespaces.

      It causes that the Jaeger operator affects other namespaces. In case, you want to install older Syndesis 1.10 in another namespace (or you have already installed it there), the Jaeger operator installed by the operator hub creates another syndesis-jaeger pod there (in syndesis 1.10 namespace). That results in two syndesis-jaeger pods in Syndesis 1.10 namespace (one installed by jaeger-operator in the namespace (provided by Syndesis 1.10) and another one installed by Jaeger operator installed via OperatorHub (provided by Syndesis 1.11) ). The second one syndesis-jaeger pod is in a CrashLoopBackOff state. Jaeger container in that pod contains the following error:

      Error: unknown flag: --collector.grpc.tls.enabled

      The situation is the same when you have already installed Syndesis 1.10 in some namespace and after that, you install Syndesis 1.11 . This case is shown in the video which I have uploaded to the attachment.

      Can Jaeger operator have Managed Namespaces set only on namespace where the particular Syndesis 1.11 is instead of All namespaces?

        1. JaegerOperatorHub.png
          68 kB
        2. JaegerOperator.mp4
          4.81 MB
        3. jaegerOperator.png
          49 kB

            parichar@redhat.com Paul Richardson
            mkralik@redhat.com Matej Kralik
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
