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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-12862

Hide unused input parameters in the data mapper


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      I noticed that the Data Mapper contains all parameters from the connection however some of them every time will be empty. E.g. let's say that I am modelling slack to db integration and I use slack as start step (consume message), db as a final step and I want to map slack message. In the data mapper are these parameters: channel, text, user, username, iconEmoji, iconUrl.) However, some of those parameters never been set (every time will be empty) in this case (e.g. channel). E.g. the channel parameter is used only while building the consumer connection and in this case, it will be empty every time.
      More description in the comments here: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ENTESB-12592

      In my POV, it can be confusing for the users when they see parameters that every time will be empty. If it can be possible, the Data Mapper should show only the parameters which are relevant and can be used for the mapping.

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            mkralik@redhat.com Matej Kralik
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