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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-11532

Update button placement for create connection and API connector workflows


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      (Migrated from https://github.com/syndesisio/syndesis/issues/3074)

      Author: Amy Glass
      Assignees: Stan Lewis,

      This is a...

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      The problem

      This epic is created to follow through with updates to screens for existing create connection pages as well as API connection to follow the new button placement specified in the Connection Template work #2212

      Expected behavior

      Buttons for embedded wizards should appear on the pages as specified in #2212, that is, navigation buttons should appear as specified by Patternfly in the lower right corner of the card. Form action buttons should appear on a separate row above the navigation buttons, but should be left-aligned to the left edge of form fields, just below the last form field.


      This is a sample screen from the design:
      !screen shot 2018-07-13 at 1 51 01 pm

      FYI @paoloantinori @heiko-braun @sjcox-rh @dongniwang @michael-coker @seanforyou23 @gaughan

            stlewis_2 Stan Lewis
            rhn-support-hbraun Heiko Braun
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
