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  1. EAP Documentation
  2. EAPDOC-426

Document configuring Elytron with token realms


      The following is a High-level user story:
      Configuring Elytron to secure EAP applications and server interfaces with bearer tokens

      This High-level user story should cover the following user stories:

      Acceptance Criteria (AC):

      User story 1: As a system administrator, I want to create and specify a token-realm in Elytron to enable support for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), so that I can secure EAP 8 applications or server interfaces

      User Story 2: As a system administrator, I want to create a token-realm in Elytron to validate tokens against the predefined oauth2-introspection endpoint, so that I can secure EAP 8 applications or server interfaces.

      User story 3: As a system administrator, I want to use a token-realm so that I can authenticate/authorize management users.

      User story 4: As a system administrator, I want to use a token-realm so that I can authenticate/authorize application users.

            amehenda@redhat.com Ashwin Mehendale
            rhn-support-smunje Satyajeet Munje
            Farah Juma, Ondrej Kotek
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
