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  1. Drools
  2. DROOLS-5263

[Test Scenario Editor] Wrong test result status if rules have not been fired


    • 2020 Week 16-18 (from Apr 13)
    • 3
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      1. Import MySpace_List.zip project
      2. Open Test scenario "ErrorMessageTest" and run it
        Expect :
        1. Test Run status is FAILED
        2. EXPECT section cell marked as red and error popup contains message that instance on this condition was not found. See: Screenshot from 2020-04-21 17-28-31.png
        Actual: 0% coverage test is passing
      Import MySpace_List.zip project Open Test scenario "ErrorMessageTest" and run it Expect : 1. Test Run status is FAILED 2. EXPECT section cell marked as red and error popup contains message that instance on this condition was not found. See: Screenshot from 2020-04-21 17-28-31.png Actual: 0% coverage test is passing
    • NEW
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      Defect: If user create a list - typed fact and puts it to the Test Scenario test passes but coverage is 0.

      This feature implemented other way in legacy test scenario.

      Root case :
      We removed initialization of the list by default .
      Previously when you have been adding a fact to legacy test scenario - it was automatically initializing so in the end you got in GIVEN list with one empty element
      Now If you add a list fact you are free to left it empty or initialize it with at least one element.

      In that case if there was no rules fired we need to show a warning and mark the test as FAILED.

      Workaround: put in GIVEN section for the list at least one empty element

            yamer@redhat.com Yeser Amer
            adupliak Anna Dupliak
            Anna Dupliak Anna Dupliak
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
