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  1. Red Hat Developer Website
  2. DEVELOPER-3817

Add drop-down for language selection on RHEL - Hello World page

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    • 5
    • Important
    • IMPL: 2017-01-30, IMPL: 2017-02-13

      With the move to Drupal, we lost the ability to have the the vertical sub navigation in the Build Something Today section (Step 4). This is important as the list of languages is long and not easy to scan for your language. The previously used styles are not available for use/HTML coding in the Drupal form.

      As an alternate (and better solution) I am requesting that we have the ability to include code for a drop-down selector in this section that would show/hide content based upon the selection.

      Additional notes:

      • Layout of the label/drop-down matches the Customer Portal and our Projects page.
      • Style of the drop-down and label matches our Projects page.
      • Java will be pre-selected as it's the most common click on the current pages and this way we do not have to deal with an empty state.
      • I only did desktop and mobile as I didn't feel like tablet would vary much from a typical screen size change. Let me know if you have any questions on tablet version.

      MVP: Provide code for a drop-down and show/hide sections that we can insert (and be saved) into the Drupal form field for this section on each of the main tabs. The code needs to be editable in a way that we can add/remove additonal language options and add/edit/remove hyperlinks. Only the corresponding content for the selected language is displayed.

      Nice to Have: Make it easier to insert the drop-down in a way that we don't have to mess with the HTML code.

      Definition of Done

      1. Language select list has been added to the RHEL Hello-World page.

            ldary24 Luke Dary
            tnolan@redhat.com Tiffany Nolan
            rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
