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  1. Red Hat Developer Website
  2. DEVELOPER-1248

Index 'Prerequisites', 'tag', 'quickstart id' and 'commit id' when indexing quickstarts

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    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • None
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    • None

      Link to Aweplug branch: https://github.com/Dantheman720/aweplug/tree/DEVELOPER-1248

      When pushing Quickstart documents to the DCP, add the following additional fields:

      quickstart_id: the directory name of the qs (e.g. 'jax-rs-client')
      git_commit: 9c2b50a2b68a9d1f9f4fba22d0799964990add9c
      git_tag: '6.3.0.GA'
      Prerequisites: ['ejb-in-ear', 'ejb-in-war']

      For example, the document returned from the DCP (for a quickstart) would now look like this:

      _index: "data_jbossdeveloper_quickstart",
      _type: "jbossdeveloper_quickstart",
      _id: "jbossdeveloper_quickstart-0ee496ca",
      _score: 0.5071552,
      fields: {
      sys_author: "Blaine Mincey <bmincey@redhat.com>",
      contributors: [
      level: "Intermediate",
      sys_description: "Demonstrates the use an external JAX-RS RestEasy client which interacts with a JAX-RS Web service that uses CDI 1.0 and JAX-RS",
      sys_created: "2011-12-07T19:31:00.000Z",
      sys_tags: "JAX-RS",
      target_product: "EAP",
      sys_type: "jbossdeveloper_quickstart",
      github_repo_url: "https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts",
      experimental: false,
      sys_url_view: "http://www.jboss.org//quickstarts/eap/jax-rs-client/index.html",
      sys_title: "External JAX-RS Client",
      quickstart_id: "jax-rs-client",
      git_commit: "9c2b50a2b68a9d1f9f4fba22d0799964990add9c"
      git_tag: '6.3.0.GA'
      Prerequisites: ['ejb-in-ear', 'ejb-in-war']

            dcoughlin1 Daniel Coughlin (Inactive)
            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
