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  1. Visual Design
  2. DESIGN-376

Create sticker for JBoss Fuse


      Create stickers based on previous work to be submitted to Stickermule.com:

      This time for JBoss Fuse products. Attaching a snapshot of the background I want with Red Hat and JBoss logo.

      1. Want to add text in white letters for JBoss Fuse:

      Integration everywhere
      Red Hat JBoss Fuse

      2. Want to add text in white letters for JBoss A-MQ:

      Powered by
      Red Hat JBoss A-MQ

      Up to your artistic talents and insight.

        1. JBossFuse_JBossA-MQ.png
          10 kB
          Eric D. Schabell
        2. JBossFuse_sticker_3x6_r1v1.pdf
          1.31 MB
          Leslie York
        3. JBossFuse_sticker_3x6_r1v2.pdf
          1.31 MB
          Leslie York
        4. JBossFuse_sticker_3x6_r1v3.pdf
          953 kB
          Leslie York
        5. JBossFuse_sticker_3x6_r1v4.pdf
          1.34 MB
          Leslie York
        6. JBossFuse_sticker_3x6_r2v1.pdf
          1.19 MB
          Leslie York
        7. JBossFuse_sticker_3x6_r2v2.pdf
          1.26 MB
          Leslie York

            leslieyork_jira Leslie York (Inactive)
            eschabel Eric D. Schabell (Inactive)
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