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  1. Debezium
  2. DBZ-4146

Use SMT/Transformation UI backend endpoint


      Please apply small changes to the SMT/Transformation response based on the real backend response.

      The transformation endpoint is based on the Kafka connect cluster, the endpoint is `/api/${CONNECT-CLUSTER-NUMBER}/transforms.json`.
      The response will only return enabled Transforms and the response will look similar to the upcoming OpenAPI compatible JSON descriptor:

              "properties": {
                  "key.enforce.uniqueness": {
                      "defaultValue": "true",
                      "description": "Augment each record's key with a field denoting the source topic. This field distinguishes records coming from different physical tables which may otherwise have primary/unique key conflicts. If the source tables are guaranteed to have globally unique keys then this may be set to false to disable key rewriting.",
                      "title": "Add source topic name into key",
                      "type": "BOOLEAN",
                      "x-name": "key.enforce.uniqueness"
                  "key.field.regex": {
                      "description": "The regex used for extracting the physical table identifier from the original topic name. Now that multiple physical tables can share a topic, the event's key may need to be augmented to include fields other than just those for the record's primary/unique key, since these are not guaranteed to be unique across tables. We need some identifier added to the key that distinguishes the different physical tables.",
                      "title": "Key field regex",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "key.field.regex"
                  "topic.replacement": {
                      "description": "The replacement string used in conjunction with topic.regex. This will be used to create the new topic name.",
                      "title": "Topic replacement",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "topic.replacement"
                  "topic.regex": {
                      "description": "The regex used for extracting the name of the logical table from the original topic name.",
                      "title": "Topic regex",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "topic.regex"
                  "key.field.replacement": {
                      "description": "The replacement string used in conjunction with key.field.regex. This will be used to create the physical table identifier in the record's key.",
                      "title": "Key field replacement",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "key.field.replacement"
              "transform": "io.debezium.transforms.ByLogicalTableRouter"
              "properties": {
                  "delete.handling.mode": {
                      "defaultValue": "drop",
                      "description": "How to handle delete records. Options are: none - records are passed,drop - records are removed (the default),rewrite - __deleted field is added to records.",
                      "enum": [
                      "title": "Handle delete records",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "delete.handling.mode"
                  "route.by.field": {
                      "defaultValue": "",
                      "description": "The column which determines how the events will be routed, the value will replace the topic name.",
                      "title": "Route by field name",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "route.by.field"
                  "add.headers": {
                      "defaultValue": "[]",
                      "description": "Adds each field listed to the header,  __ (or __<struct>_ if the struct is specified). Example: 'version,connector,source.ts_ms' would add __version, __connector and __source_ts_ms fields. Optionally one can also map new field name like version:VERSION,connector:CONNECTOR,source.ts_ms:EVENT_TIMESTAMP.Please note that the new field name is case-sensitive.",
                      "format": "list,regex",
                      "title": "Adds the specified fields to the header if they exist.",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "add.headers"
                  "drop.tombstones": {
                      "defaultValue": "true",
                      "description": "Debezium by default generates a tombstone record to enable Kafka compaction after a delete record was generated. This record is usually filtered out to avoid duplicates as a delete record is converted to a tombstone record, too",
                      "title": "Drop tombstones",
                      "type": "BOOLEAN",
                      "x-name": "drop.tombstones"
                  "add.fields": {
                      "defaultValue": "[]",
                      "description": "Adds each field listed, prefixed with __ (or __<struct>_ if the struct is specified). Example: 'version,connector,source.ts_ms' would add __version, __connector and __source_ts_ms fields. Optionally one can also map new field name like version:VERSION,connector:CONNECTOR,source.ts_ms:EVENT_TIMESTAMP.Please note that the new field name is case-sensitive.",
                      "format": "list,regex",
                      "title": "Adds the specified field(s) to the message if they exist.",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "add.fields"
              "transform": "io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState"
              "properties": {
                  "timestamp.format": {
                      "defaultValue": "yyyyMMdd",
                      "description": "Format string for the timestamp that is compatible with <code>java.text.SimpleDateFormat</code>.",
                      "title": "timestamp.format",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "timestamp.format"
                  "topic.format": {
                      "defaultValue": "${topic}-${timestamp}",
                      "description": "Format string which can contain <code>${topic}</code> and <code>${timestamp}</code> as placeholders for the topic and timestamp, respectively.",
                      "title": "topic.format",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "topic.format"
              "transform": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampRouter"
              "properties": {
                  "fields": {
                      "description": "Field names on the record value to extract as the record key.",
                      "format": "list,regex",
                      "title": "fields",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "x-name": "fields"
              "transform": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ValueToKey"

            ishukla Indra Shukla
            rk3rn3r René Kerner
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
