Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-731

crwctl cannot start che server with default custom resource


      Trying to start crwctl without providing any custom resource (using the default one) results in the following output:

      [mykhailo@localhost bin]$ ./crwctl server:start -n mkuznets-crw
      :heavy_check_mark: Verify Kubernetes API...OK (it's OpenShift)
      :heavy_check_mark: :eyes: Looking for an already existing CodeReady Workspaces instance
      :heavy_check_mark: Verify if CodeReady Workspaces is deployed into namespace "mkuznets-crw"...it is not
      :heavy_check_mark: :airplane: Openshift preflight checklist
      :heavy_check_mark: Verify if oc is installed...done.
      :heavy_check_mark: Verify if openshift is running...done.
      :heavy_check_mark: Check OpenShift version: Unknown.
      :heavy_check_mark: Check Kubernetes version: Found v1.10.0+d4cacc0.
      CodeReady Workspaces logs will be available in '/tmp/crwctl-logs/1584534140322'
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following logs
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following Operator logs...done
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following CodeReady Workspaces logs...done
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following Postgres logs...done
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following Keycloak logs...done
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following Plugin registry logs...done
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following Devfile registry logs...done
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following events
      :heavy_check_mark: Start following namespace events...done
      › Warning: CodeReady Workspaces can only be deployed in Multi-User mode.
      ❯ :runner:‍ Running the CodeReady Workspaces operator
      :heavy_check_mark: Copying operator resources...done.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create Namespace (mkuznets-crw)...It already exists.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create ServiceAccount codeready-operator in namespace mkuznets-crw...It already exists.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create Role codeready-operator in namespace mkuznets-crw...It already exists.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create ClusterRole codeready-operator...It already exists.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create RoleBinding codeready-operator in namespace mkuznets-crw...It already exists.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create ClusterRoleBinding codeready-operator...It already exists.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create CRD checlusters.org.eclipse.che...It already exists.
      :heavy_check_mark: Waiting 5 seconds for the new Kubernetes resources to get flushed...done.
      :heavy_check_mark: Create deployment codeready-operator in namespace mkuznets-crw...It already exists.
      :heavy_multiplication_x: Create CodeReady Workspaces cluster codeready-workspaces in namespace mkuznets-crw
      → Cannot set property 'ingressDomain' of undefined
      › Error: TypeError: Cannot set property 'ingressDomain' of undefined
      › Installation failed, check logs in '/tmp/crwctl-logs/1584534140322'

            abazko Anatolii Bazko
            mkuznets Mykhailo Kuznietsov
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
