Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-404

Plugin registry fails to deploy on OCP `could not open error log file /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_error_log`


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      Deployed using

      $ bin/run server:start -a operator -p openshift -b crw.codeready.com -n crw2-rhopp1 --che-operator-image=quay.io/crw/operator-rhel8:2.0-19 --che-operator-cr-yaml=/home/rhopp/temp/che_cr.yaml

      where /home/rhopp/temp/che_cr.yaml:

      $ cat /home/rhopp/temp/che_cr.yaml                                                                                                                                                                            2 ↵
      apiVersion: org.eclipse.che/v1
      kind: CheCluster
        name: eclipse-che
          # server image used in Che deployment
          cheImage: 'quay.io/crw/server-rhel8'
          # tag of an image used in Che deployment
          cheImageTag: '2.0-6'
          # image:tag used in Devfile registry deployment
          devfileRegistryImage: 'quay.io/crw/devfileregistry-rhel8:2.0-3'
          # image:tag used in plugin registry deployment
          pluginRegistryImage: 'quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8:2.0-37'
          # defaults to `che`. When set to `codeready`, CodeReady Workspaces is deployed
          # the difference is in images, labels, exec commands
          cheFlavor: ''
          # specifies a custom cluster role to user for the Che workspaces
          # Uses the default roles if left blank.
          cheWorkspaceClusterRole: ''
          # when set to true the operator will attempt to get a secret in OpenShift router namespace
          # to add it to Java trust store of Che server. Requires cluster-admin privileges for operator service account
          selfSignedCert: false
          # TLS mode for Che. Make sure you either have public cert, or set selfSignedCert to true
          tlsSupport: false
          # protocol+hostname of a proxy server. Automatically added as JAVA_OPTS and https(s)_proxy
          # to Che server and workspaces containers
          proxyURL: ''
          # port of a proxy server
          proxyPort: ''
          # username for a proxy server
          proxyUser: ''
          # password for a proxy user
          proxyPassword: ''
          # a list of non-proxy hosts. Use | as delimiter, eg localhost|my.host.com|
          nonProxyHosts: ''
          # sets mem request for server deployment. Defaults to 512Mi
          serverMemoryRequest: ''
          # sets mem limit for server deployment. Defaults to 1Gi
          serverMemoryLimit: ''
          # when set to true, the operator skips deploying Postgres, and passes connection details of existing DB to Che server
          # otherwise a Postgres deployment is created
          externalDb: false
          # Postgres Database hostname that Che server uses to connect to. Defaults to postgres
          chePostgresHostName: ''
          # Postgres Database port that Che server uses to connect to. Defaults to 5432
          chePostgresPort: ''
          # Postgres user that Che server when making a db connection. Defaults to pgche
          chePostgresUser: ''
          # password of a postgres user. Auto-generated when left blank
          chePostgresPassword: ''
          # Postgres database name that Che server uses to connect to. Defaults to dbche
          chePostgresDb: ''
          # Postgres deployment in format image:tag. Defaults to registry.redhat.io/rhscl/postgresql-96-rhel7 (see pkg/deploy/defaults.go for latest tag)
          postgresImage: ''
          # persistent volume claim strategy for Che server. Can be common (all workspaces PVCs in one volume),
          # per-workspace (one PVC per workspace for all declared volumes) and unique (one PVC per declared volume). Defaults to common
          pvcStrategy: 'per-workspace'
          # size of a persistent volume claim for workspaces. Defaults to 1Gi
          pvcClaimSize: '1Gi'
          # instruct Che server to launch a special pod to precreate a subpath in a PV
          preCreateSubPaths: true
          # image:tag for preCreateSubPaths jobs
          pvcJobsImage: ''
          # keep blank unless you need to use a non default storage class for Postgres PVC
          postgresPVCStorageClassName: ''
          # keep blank unless you need to use a non default storage class for workspace PVC(s)
          workspacePVCStorageClassName: ''
          # instructs operator on whether or not to deploy Keycloak/RH SSO instance. When set to true provision connection details
          externalIdentityProvider: false
          # retrieved from respective route/ingress unless explicitly specified in CR (when ExternalKeycloak is true)
          identityProviderURL: ''
          # password for keycloak database user. Auto generated if left blank
          keycloakPostgresPassword: ''
          # desired admin username of Keycloak admin user (applicable only when externalIdentityProvider is false)
          identityProviderAdminUserName: ''
          # desired password of Keycloak admin user (applicable only when externalIdentityProvider is false)
          identityProviderPassword: 'admin'
          # name of a keycloak realm. This realm will be created, when externalIdentityProvider is true, otherwise passed to Che server
          identityProviderRealm: ''
          # id of a keycloak client. This client will be created, when externalIdentityProvider is false, otherwise passed to Che server
          identityProviderClientId: ''
          # instructs an Operator to enable OpenShift v3 identity provider in Keycloak,
          # as well as create respective oAuthClient and configure Che configMap accordingly
          openShiftoAuth: false
          # name of oAuthClient used in OpenShift v3 identity provider in Keycloak realm. Auto generated if left blank
          oAuthClientName: ''
          # secret used in oAuthClient. Auto generated if left blank
          oAuthSecret: ''
          # image:tag used in Keycloak deployment
          identityProviderImage: ''
          # your global ingress domain
          ingressDomain: ''
          # kubernetes.io/ingress.class, defaults to nginx
          ingressClass: ''
          # IngressStrategy is the way ingresses are created.
          # Can be multi-host (host is explicitly provided in ingress, <ingress-name>-<namespace>.<global-ingress-domain>),
          # single-host (host is provided, path based rules, <ingress-domain>/path) and default-host *(no host is provided, path based rules)
          ingressStrategy: ''
          # secret name used for tls termination
          tlsSecretName: ''
          # FSGroup the Che POD and Workspace pod containers should run in  
          securityContextFsGroup: '' 
          # User the Che POD and Workspace pod containers should run as  
          securityContextRunAsUser: '' %   
      Deployed using $ bin/run server:start -a operator -p openshift -b crw.codeready.com -n crw2-rhopp1 --che-operator-image=quay.io/crw/operator-rhel8:2.0-19 --che-operator-cr-yaml=/home/rhopp/temp/che_cr.yaml where /home/rhopp/temp/che_cr.yaml : $ cat /home/rhopp/temp/che_cr.yaml 2 ↵ apiVersion: org.eclipse.che/v1 kind: CheCluster metadata: name: eclipse-che spec: server: # server image used in Che deployment cheImage: 'quay.io/crw/server-rhel8' # tag of an image used in Che deployment cheImageTag: '2.0-6' # image:tag used in Devfile registry deployment devfileRegistryImage: 'quay.io/crw/devfileregistry-rhel8:2.0-3' # image:tag used in plugin registry deployment pluginRegistryImage: 'quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8:2.0-37' # defaults to `che`. When set to `codeready`, CodeReady Workspaces is deployed # the difference is in images, labels, exec commands cheFlavor: '' # specifies a custom cluster role to user for the Che workspaces # Uses the default roles if left blank. cheWorkspaceClusterRole: '' # when set to true the operator will attempt to get a secret in OpenShift router namespace # to add it to Java trust store of Che server. Requires cluster-admin privileges for operator service account selfSignedCert: false # TLS mode for Che. Make sure you either have public cert, or set selfSignedCert to true tlsSupport: false # protocol+hostname of a proxy server. Automatically added as JAVA_OPTS and https(s)_proxy # to Che server and workspaces containers proxyURL: '' # port of a proxy server proxyPort: '' # username for a proxy server proxyUser: '' # password for a proxy user proxyPassword: '' # a list of non-proxy hosts. Use | as delimiter, eg localhost|my.host.com| nonProxyHosts: '' # sets mem request for server deployment. Defaults to 512Mi serverMemoryRequest: '' # sets mem limit for server deployment. Defaults to 1Gi serverMemoryLimit: '' database: # when set to true, the operator skips deploying Postgres, and passes connection details of existing DB to Che server # otherwise a Postgres deployment is created externalDb: false # Postgres Database hostname that Che server uses to connect to. Defaults to postgres chePostgresHostName: '' # Postgres Database port that Che server uses to connect to. Defaults to 5432 chePostgresPort: '' # Postgres user that Che server when making a db connection. Defaults to pgche chePostgresUser: '' # password of a postgres user. Auto-generated when left blank chePostgresPassword: '' # Postgres database name that Che server uses to connect to. Defaults to dbche chePostgresDb: '' # Postgres deployment in format image:tag. Defaults to registry.redhat.io/rhscl/postgresql-96-rhel7 (see pkg/deploy/defaults.go for latest tag) postgresImage: '' storage: # persistent volume claim strategy for Che server. Can be common (all workspaces PVCs in one volume), # per-workspace (one PVC per workspace for all declared volumes) and unique (one PVC per declared volume). Defaults to common pvcStrategy: 'per-workspace' # size of a persistent volume claim for workspaces. Defaults to 1Gi pvcClaimSize: '1Gi' # instruct Che server to launch a special pod to precreate a subpath in a PV preCreateSubPaths: true # image:tag for preCreateSubPaths jobs pvcJobsImage: '' # keep blank unless you need to use a non default storage class for Postgres PVC postgresPVCStorageClassName: '' # keep blank unless you need to use a non default storage class for workspace PVC(s) workspacePVCStorageClassName: '' auth: # instructs operator on whether or not to deploy Keycloak/RH SSO instance. When set to true provision connection details externalIdentityProvider: false # retrieved from respective route/ingress unless explicitly specified in CR (when ExternalKeycloak is true) identityProviderURL: '' # password for keycloak database user. Auto generated if left blank keycloakPostgresPassword: '' # desired admin username of Keycloak admin user (applicable only when externalIdentityProvider is false) identityProviderAdminUserName: '' # desired password of Keycloak admin user (applicable only when externalIdentityProvider is false) identityProviderPassword: 'admin' # name of a keycloak realm. This realm will be created, when externalIdentityProvider is true, otherwise passed to Che server identityProviderRealm: '' # id of a keycloak client. This client will be created, when externalIdentityProvider is false, otherwise passed to Che server identityProviderClientId: '' # instructs an Operator to enable OpenShift v3 identity provider in Keycloak, # as well as create respective oAuthClient and configure Che configMap accordingly openShiftoAuth: false # name of oAuthClient used in OpenShift v3 identity provider in Keycloak realm. Auto generated if left blank oAuthClientName: '' # secret used in oAuthClient. Auto generated if left blank oAuthSecret: '' # image:tag used in Keycloak deployment identityProviderImage: '' k8s: # your global ingress domain ingressDomain: '' # kubernetes.io/ingress.class, defaults to nginx ingressClass: '' # IngressStrategy is the way ingresses are created. # Can be multi-host (host is explicitly provided in ingress, <ingress-name>-<namespace>.<global-ingress-domain>), # single-host (host is provided, path based rules, <ingress-domain>/path) and default-host *(no host is provided, path based rules) ingressStrategy: '' # secret name used for tls termination tlsSecretName: '' # FSGroup the Che POD and Workspace pod containers should run in securityContextFsGroup: '' # User the Che POD and Workspace pod containers should run as securityContextRunAsUser: '' %

      Trying to deploy CRW 2.0 from the images available right now


      Deployment of http://quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8:2.0-37 crashloopbacks on openshift.

      Probably because /var/logs/httpd is not readable/writeable by arbitrary user:

      $ docker run --user 100011 --entrypoint="/bin/bash" quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8:2.0-37 -c "ls -la /var/log/httpd/"                                                                                       2 ↵
      ls: cannot open directory '/var/log/httpd/': Permission denied

      The failure directly from pluginregistry logs:

      + [[ -x /usr/sbin/httpd ]]
      + /usr/sbin/httpd -D FOREGROUND
      AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
      (13)Permission denied: AH00091: httpd: could not open error log file /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_error_log.
      AH00015: Unable to open logs

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            rhopp@redhat.com Radim Hopp
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
