Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1767

CRW 2.8.0 workspace startup failure message is misleading when mkdir pod reached timeout


    • False
    • False
    • Hide
      = Misleading error message for a workspace failure caused by the `mkdir` Pod timeout

      A lack of {ocp} cluster resources causes a failure. This failure causes a misleading message: *Your session has expired. Please, log in to {prod-short} again to get access to your OpenShift account.*


      * Provide more resources to the {ocp} cluster.
      = Misleading error message for a workspace failure caused by the `mkdir` Pod timeout A lack of {ocp} cluster resources causes a failure. This failure causes a misleading message: *Your session has expired. Please, log in to {prod-short} again to get access to your OpenShift account.* .Workaround * Provide more resources to the {ocp} cluster.
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      Add more resources (nodes) to OCP instance.

      Refresh or re-login would not help.

      Add more resources (nodes) to OCP instance. Refresh or re-login would not help.

      Test scenario: 
      1. Deploy CRW 2.8.0.RC-04-26 to QE OCP 4.7 on AWS from Operator Hub with lack of resource
      2. Open Dashboard and log into it as OS Auth user
      3. Try to start Java Maven workspace

      Expected result: Dashboard Progress shows error message which crw server returns crw-server-logs.txt:

      Unable to perform '[mkdir, -m, 777, -p, /tmp/job_mount/workspace5frdg50h50khqq6w/che-logs-che-plugin-broker/]' command for the workspace 'workspace5frdg50h50khqq6w' cause: 'Waiting for pod 'mkdir-workspace5frdg50h50khqq6w' reached timeout'

      Actually result: Dashboard Progress has shown misleading message with html code instead of link inside:

      Your session has expired. Please login to Che again to get access to your OpenShift account


            skabashn Sergii Kabashniuk
            dnochevn Dmytro Nochevnov
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