Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1333

Errors highlighting doesn't work in the "Apache Camel K" devfile


    • False
    • False
    • +
    • Undefined
    • Hide


      • OCP 4.6 cluster
      • Codeready installed by operatorhub
      • server - quay.io/crw/server-rhel8@2.5-8
      • devfile registry - quay.io/crw/devfileregistry-rhel8@2.5-26
      • plugin registry - quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8@2.5-26

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Go to dashboard and create workspace using the "Apache Camel K" default devfile
      • Go inside created workspace and open file "camel-c-examples/examples/hello.xml"
      • Set cursor to the begin of the 23-rd row and type "$#@%%^@"
      • Pay attention that error is not shown
      • Also pay attention that autocompletion works

      Expected behavior
      The broken syntax is highlighted as an error

      Observed behavior:
      The broken syntax is not highlighted

      Environment: OCP 4.6 cluster Codeready installed by operatorhub server - quay.io/crw/server-rhel8@2.5-8 devfile registry - quay.io/crw/devfileregistry-rhel8@2.5-26 plugin registry - quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8@2.5-26 Steps to reproduce: Go to dashboard and create workspace using the "Apache Camel K" default devfile Go inside created workspace and open file "camel-c-examples/examples/hello.xml" Set cursor to the begin of the 23-rd row and type "$#@%%^@" Pay attention that error is not shown Also pay attention that autocompletion works Expected behavior The broken syntax is highlighted as an error Observed behavior: The broken syntax is not highlighted

      Errors highlighting doesn't work in the "Apache Camel K" devfile

            apupier@redhat.com Aurélien Pupier
            iokhrime Ihor Okhrimenko (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
