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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-3679

Incorrect "All projects" summary for Platform project Breakdown


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2023Q1
    • None
    • UI
    • None

      When we have more than 3 Platform projects and display "All projects" on "Platform" project Breakdown page - all Openshift projects are listed (instead of just Platform projects).

      It seems that the api call used by UI misses filter[category]=Platform&filter[project]=applied_filters


      Steps to reproduce:

      stage beta, cost-qe-admin-02 user

      1. navigate to Openshift Details page

      2. click on "Sum Platform cost" toggle to collapse Platform projects

      3. click on "Platform" projects

      The "Cost by default projects" card lists correct top 3 Platform projects

      4. click on "View all projects" at the bottom of this card (all_platform_projects.png)

      All projects, instead of just Platform projects, are shown (unexpected)

      5. check the api request in network console

      You will see that the corresponding api request misses filter[category]=Platform





            dlabrecq@redhat.com Daniel Labrecque
            rhn-support-esebesto Eva Šebestová
            Eva Šebestová Eva Šebestová
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
