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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-28754

[2196734] VM created from CD source registry cannot be started due to InvalidImageName


    • Medium

      +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #2189744 +++

      Description of problem:
      VM created from CD source registry cannot be started:

      1. oc get pod
        virt-launcher-fedora-b26b3myg8m6h5ykt-mvtfn 0/2 Init:InvalidImageName 0 30m
      1. oc describe pod virt-launcher-fedora-b26b3myg8m6h5ykt-mvtfn
        Type Reason Age From Message
            • ------ ---- ---- -------
              Normal Scheduled 27m default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/virt-launcher-fedora-b26b3myg8m6h5ykt-mvtfn to uit-413-auto-pkwnc-worker-0-8ntsw
              Normal AddedInterface 27m multus Add eth0 [] from ovn-kubernetes
              Normal Pulled 27m kubelet Container image "registry.redhat.io/container-native-virtualization/virt-launcher-rhel9@sha256:8d493a50ff05c3b9f30d3ccdd93acec3b1d7fdc07324ce4b92521c6b084496b3" already present on machine
              Normal Created 27m kubelet Created container container-disk-binary
              Normal Started 27m kubelet Started container container-disk-binary
              Warning Failed 25m (x11 over 27m) kubelet Error: InvalidImageName
              Warning InspectFailed 2m23s (x117 over 27m) kubelet Failed to apply default image tag "docker://quay.io/containerdisks/fedora:latest": couldn't parse image reference "docker://quay.io/containerdisks/fedora:latest": invalid reference format

      The reason is the prefix "docker://" is added to the containerDisk.image, remove the prefix can get the VM into running.

      VM yaml:

      • dataVolume:
        name: centos-stream9-o3vqvnprdkkv7r46
        name: rootdisk
      • cloudInitNoCloud:
        userData: |-
        user: centos
        password: tav1-3kn6-a0y6
        chpasswd: { expire: False }

        name: cloudinitdisk

      • containerDisk:
        image: 'docker://quay.io/containerdisks/centos-stream:9'
        name: installation-cdrom

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. select a template in catalog and click customize
      2. select "Boot from CD" and select registry
      3. fill other data and create the VM

      Actual results:
      VM is stucking at "starting"

      Expected results:
      VM is started

      Additional info:

      — Additional comment from Guohua Ouyang on 2023-05-10 14:06:31 CST —

      verified on kubevirt-console-plugin-rhel9:v4.14.0-1195

            tnisan@redhat.com Tal Nisan
            gouyang1@redhat.com Guohua Ouyang
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
