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  1. Cloud Enablement
  2. CLOUD-3520

Can't configure multiple server during migration


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • EAP CD 19.0.GA
    • EAP73 7.3.0.BETA
    • EAP7
    • None
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      Try to run transaction migration, for example with xa-test test (originally from https://github.com/maschmid/xa-test)

      git clone https://github.com/ochaloup/xa-test/
      cd xa-test
      minishift start
      minishift addon apply registry-route
      docker pull registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/jboss-eap-7-eap73-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8:7.3.0-16
      docker tag registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/jboss-eap-7-eap73-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8:7.3.0-16 $(minishift openshift registry)/$(oc project -q)/jboss-eap72-openshift:1.2
      oc create -f openshift.yaml
      oc process xa-load IMAGE=$(minishift openshift registry)/$(oc project -q)/jboss-eap72-openshift:1.2 | oc create -f -
      oc start-build xa-load
      oc scale dc xa-load-migration --replicas=2 -n $(oc project -q)
      oc logs -f xa-load-migration-...
      Try to run transaction migration, for example with xa-test test (originally from https://github.com/maschmid/xa-test ) git clone https: //github.com/ochaloup/xa-test/ cd xa-test minishift start minishift addon apply registry-route docker pull registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/jboss-eap-7-eap73-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8:7.3.0-16 docker tag registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/jboss-eap-7-eap73-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8:7.3.0-16 $(minishift openshift registry)/$(oc project -q)/jboss-eap72-openshift:1.2 oc create -f openshift.yaml oc process xa-load IMAGE=$(minishift openshift registry)/$(oc project -q)/jboss-eap72-openshift:1.2 | oc create -f - oc start-build xa-load oc scale dc xa-load-migration --replicas=2 -n $(oc project -q) oc logs -f xa-load-migration-...

      When I was trying to run migration of transaction I hit the an follow-up issue to https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBEAP-18465 (Can't run multiple server during migration).
      If migration starts the server for the first time it succeeds. For the next servers or for the second time I experience the failure which consist the following errors

      INFO Configuring JGroups discovery protocol to kubernetes.KUBE_PING
      INFO Using PicketBox SSL configuration.
      INFO Access log is disabled, ignoring configuration.
      INFO Configuring the server using embedded server
      INFO Duration: 1866 milliseconds
      ERROR Error applying /tmp/cli-configuration-script-1584657964.cli CLI script.
      File doesn't exist: /tmp/cli-script-property-1584657708.cli
      INFO Migration of pod xa-load-8-mszph terminated with status 1 (HUP)

      I was trying to get into why the property file (File doesn't exist: /tmp/cli-script-property...) is not created in the second iteration:

      To me it seems that the invocation of the jboss cli https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-cekit-modules/blob/master/jboss/container/wildfly/launch-config/config/added/launch/openshift-common.sh#L148
      should precedes configuration of the property files which seems it does not happen on call of configure_server_with_cli
      I run my tests orgininally with image registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/jboss-eap-7-eap73-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8:7.3.0-16 which contains yet the call of configure_server (https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-modules/commit/d8f833e72f2843b5aeb3fe43b2214bda35f6a4c5#diff-480d4ba05514e9168cb44ff1895055cd)
      but I changed the script for the *_cli version for my purpose and I have got the same wrong behaviour.
      I can see the functions
      both calls the function configure_embedded_cli_script
      where the executions goes with call exec_cli_scripts "${CLI_SCRIPT_FILE}" and there is no property file provided.

            ochaloup@redhat.com Ondrej Chaloupka (Inactive)
            ochaloup@redhat.com Ondrej Chaloupka (Inactive)
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