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  1. BxMS Documentation
  2. BXMSDOC-5038

Work out storage recommendations for 7.6 on OpenShift 3 AWS and OpenShift 4


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
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    • 2019 Week 47-49 (from Nov 18), 2019 Week 50-52 (from Dec 9)
    • 3

      rhn-support-hjoy FYI

      I would appreciate clarification about storage options that we use.

      For OpenShift 3, we have documented changing GlusterFS configuration: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_process_automation_manager/7.5/html/deploying_a_red_hat_process_automation_manager_authoring_environment_on_red_hat_openshift_container_platform/dm-openshift-prepare-con#glusterfs-reconfig-proc . However, this procedure tells the user to check if Gluster is used, a nd to change its config if it is used. Do I need, instead, to direct the user to use Gluster if Athoring HA is needed?

      Also for OpenShift 3, on AWS there is no ReadWriteMany, and we documented (in Release Notes for now) using NFS to get ReadWriteMany provisioning. However, I am told by aparedes@redhat.com that NFS might not be good enough for Authoring HA. So can one get Gluster on AWS somehow? Or do we tell people not to use AUthoring HA on AWS? Or how do we handle this?

      Next: OpenShift 4. The current document has GlusteFS config: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_process_automation_manager/7.5/html/deploying_a_red_hat_process_automation_manager_environment_on_red_hat_openshift_container_platform_using_operators/dm-openshift-prepare-con#glusterfs-reconfig-proc . However Adriel said that there might not be GlusterFS at all in OpenShift 4. Could y'all please clarify for me whether the GlisterFs configuration procedure applies to OpenShift 4? And also, what are the actual storage solutons that we should instruct people to use on OnepShift 4, including OpenShift 4 on AWS if available?

      I will really appreciate responses here, thanks!

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