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  1. Application Server 7
  2. AS7-3878

text in "add file logging handler" dialog is a bit confusing.


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 7.1.0.Final
    • Logging
    • None

      adding a new file handler , without a specific path , fails with no indication of error.

      Also since the dialog does contain a generic path for log files, not specifying a new one should work

      here is the trace from log file

      11:28:25,030 DEBUG [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (HttpManagementService-threads - 21) JBAS014616: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([
      ("subsystem" => "logging"),
      ("file-handler" => "hw.log")
      ]) - failure description: "JBAS014704: '' is an invalid value for parameter file. Values must have a minimum length of 1 characters"

            jperkins-rhn James Perkins
            shay1680 shay Matasaro (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
