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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-837

Managed GlassFish container does not shutdown correctly in a Maven build


      When a test errors out, Arquillian does not invoke the DeployableContainer.stop() implementation of the managed GlassFish container. The GlassFish container started by Arquillian continues to run, and the subsequent test execution produces the expected error message:

      The server is already running! Managed containers does not support connecting to running server instances due to the possible harmful effect of connecting to the wrong server. Please stop server before running or change to another type of container.
      To disable this check and allow Arquillian to connect to a running server, set allowConnectingToRunningServer to true in the container configuration

      The GlassFish container implementation should incorporate a mechanism similar to the JBoss AS 7 managed container implementation, to execute the asadmin stop-domain command in a shutdown hook.

            vineet.reynolds_jira Vineet Reynolds (Inactive)
            vineet.reynolds_jira Vineet Reynolds (Inactive)
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