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  1. Service Binding
  2. APPSVC-639

Race condition between operator's watch and e2eutil.WaitForDeployment.


    • Sprint 187

      I've noticed that if we create SBR before the application and then the operator is watching for the application deployment to be ready and at the same time e2eutil.WaitForDeployment(t, f.KubeClient, ns, appName, 1, retryInterval, timeout) is also watching the same deployment. So here these two watches are in deadlock or sort of deadlock condition if the operator watch detects the deployment is ready before e2eutil watch then it will redeploy it with the secrets hence the e2eutil watch might miss the first deployment readiness and will still wait for deployment this time deployment will take some more time to reach 1 replica ensuing e2eutil watch timeout. Hence failing the e2e tests.

            pjagrut Pratik Jagrut (Inactive)
            pjagrut Pratik Jagrut (Inactive)
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