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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2709

REQ: How to lock down jolokia in the AMQ7 web console for CORS


    • Weeks 38, 39 (Sep 18 - 29), Weeks 48, 49 (Nov 27-Dec 8), Weeks 2, 3 (Jan 8 - 19, 2018), Weeks 4, 5 (Jan 22 - Feb 2), Weeks 6, 7 (Feb 5 - 16)
    • Release Notes, Compatibility/Configuration

      https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ENTMQBR-827 for 7.1 provides a jolokia-access.xml policy file for jolokia that restricts origins to localhost.
      In 7.0.3 there is no restriction. The web endpoint is restricted to localhost but not the origins.
      We need to doc the approach in ENTMQBR-827 via the use of a system-property that sets with a url to a policy file that restricts access to just the host of the web-console.


      This has been done for 6.x via: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FUSEDOC-1393

            sjay@redhat.com Susan Jay
            gtully@redhat.com Gary Tully
            Michal Toth Michal Toth
            0 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
