Uploaded image for project: 'AppFormer'
  1. AppFormer
  2. AF-2587

Project with the same name as the previously deleted one shows wrong number of assets


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • NEW
    • NEW

      For first import the project it was successful and was able to see all assets and count as expected. After doing some changes in lower environment then the project has deleted in higher environment to import latest changes and as a result asset count as incorrect.
      Those changes were committed and pushed in the bitbucket external repository (since lower environment), that's why git hooks has been configured in the project.
      The opposite happens if the project is imported in a new space the total assets is correct.

            aparedes@redhat.com Adriel Paredes
            aparedes@redhat.com Adriel Paredes
            Barbora Siskova Barbora Siskova
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