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  1. AppFormer
  2. AF-2564

grouping rules


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
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    • Project Explorer
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    • User Experience
    • NEW
    • NEW

      As a business user I would like to have an easy way to +*visibly *+group certain rules together in the business central.
      As a business user I want to have an intuitive way to afterwards find rules related to one of those groups.

      I don't want to use package (physical folder structure)
      I don't want to use the current tags implementation as I don't use the left side 'developer' project/repository treeview
      multiple rules can have the same group
      some rules might fit under multiple groups and should thus be found under multiple 'groups'

      Currently I use my own naming convention to allow business people to search for rules having to do with a certain topic.
      But it is tedious to maintain as rule names are free text and I have no way to force them to use the convention.
      And also the user needs to currently guess the 'topic'-names in the rule search window instead of having a list of 'topics'

      suggested solution:
      I like the tags idea. this allows to have the many to many relationship of rules and 'rule groups'
      But the way it is implemented in the UI is not user friendly enough to get business people to use it. I would also force them to put at least 1 tag.
      And really important, tags must be forced to ALL_CAPITALS and no special signs but must ALLOW spaces (no underscores or hyphens for business users!).
      When creating a rule (the popup dialog where you name the rule and select the package), that is the time to add tags to it. (and not hidden in the overview>metadata tab)
      And afterwards they can be amended in this overview>metadata tab (though I would recommend to name it for business users 'rule info' tab, and make it easier to find)
      This will ensure that business people categorize their rules to keep track of them when the list gets longer. (and not get IT to find them for them)

      For the second part ...
      Now that business people have tagged their rules with 'business topics', they need to have an easy way to find all rules related to this 'business topic' (tag)
      The rule filter window is an excellent place for this.
      I would like an additional filter text box that allows a collection of tags that will be used to filter the rules list.
      This text box is NOT 'free text' and should be fillable only with existing tags (think of the '+search +for labels' feature in jira)
      ->only allow valid tags (no free text)
      ->allow multiple tags (logic = OR/AND(perhaps also a NOT?) : use these words between selected tags iso just using a comma)
      ->drop down list sorted alphabetically with remaining valid tags

      In the result set, it would be also nice to to have an indication of the tags that apply to the specific rules.

            eignatow Eder Ignatowicz
            werner.vanherrewegen Werner Van Herrewegen (Inactive)
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