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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-9851

Document about the new ACM hosted control plane dashboards


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    • False
    • No

      Describe the changes in the doc and link to your dev story

      Provide info for the following steps:

      1. - [x] Mandatory Add the required version to the Fix version/s field.


      Two new dashboards are added to the existing ACM observability grafana dashboards.


      • ACM - Hosted Control Planes Overview dashboard to show the cluster's capacity estimate for hosting hosted control planes and the related cluster resources.
      • ACM - Resources - Hosted Control Plan dashboard that users can drill down from the overview page to see the resource utilizations of the selected hosted control plane.


      Users can view these dashboards only when they have ACM product and the observability component is enabled while the hosted control plane feature is from MCE.


      I am not sure what is the best way to document about this since all hosted control plane feature is documented under clusters -> hosted control plane in MCE doc and the observability feature is documented in ACM.


      2. - [x] Mandatory Choose the type of documentation change.

            - [x] New topic in an existing section or new section
            - [ ] Update to an existing topic

      3. - [ ] Mandatory for GA content:
             - [ ] Add steps and/or other important conceptual information here: 
             - [ ] Add Required access level for the user to complete the task here:

             - [ ] Add verification at the end of the task, how does the user verify success (a command to run or a result to see?)
             - [ ] Add link to dev story here:

      4. - [ ] Mandatory for bugs: What is the diff? Clearly define what the problem is, what the change is, and link to the current documentation:

            bswope@redhat.com Brandi Swope
            rokejungrh Roke Jung
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