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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1421

provision_vm role requires provision_vm_name for existing VM even if provision_vm_uuid is defined


    • Moderate

      Attempting to change the power state of existing VM by using its uuid instead of VM name is failing:

      fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
          "msg": "Mandatory variable 'provision_vm_name'  not defined."

      In the documentation it says that `provision_vm_name` is required only in the case the VM doesn't exist, while `provision_vm_uuid` is required if the VM name is not supplied.

      The same error is produced when trying to update other settings of the existing VM using `provision_vm_uuid` instead of `provision_vm_name`

            Unassigned Unassigned
            epassaro@redhat.com Elsa Passaro
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