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  1. Ansible Automation Platform RFEs
  2. AAPRFE-396

Add Ability to Add Line Breaks to Custom Slack Notifications



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      1. What is the nature and description of the request?

      When creating a custom slack notification, is it not possible to add line breaks to the messages making it difficult to troubleshoot and collaborate on issues.

      2. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
      1. Ansible Automation Pipeline Execution: An automation pipeline using the Ansible Automation Platform is triggered to perform a series of tasks, such as configuration management, application deployment, or infrastructure provisioning.

      2. Error Log Notification: In the event of an error during the Ansible automation pipeline execution, a Slack notification is sent to relevant team members. The error log section of the notification includes detailed error messages, stack traces, and contextual information. Line breaks are added to separate individual error messages, allowing for easy identification and understanding of each specific error.

      3. Job Variable Presentation: Throughout the Ansible automation pipeline, various job variables are used to configure and customize tasks. When notifying about the pipeline progress or completion, a Slack notification includes the job variables section. Line breaks are incorporated to present each job variable on a separate line, ensuring clear visibility and comprehension of the variable names and their corresponding values.

      4. Output Message Communication: At different stages of the Ansible automation pipeline, important output messages are generated. These messages can include task completion status, critical information, or relevant metrics. When reporting the pipeline's status, a Slack notification includes the output message section. Line breaks are utilized to format and present each output message separately, facilitating easy reading and understanding.

      5. Collaboration and Troubleshooting: Team members involved in the Ansible automation pipeline receive the Slack notifications with line breaks. This enables effective collaboration, as each member can quickly identify errors, understand job variables, and interpret output messages. Troubleshooting becomes efficient, as the information is presented in a structured manner, allowing for rapid identification and resolution of issues within the Ansible Automation Platform.

      6. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Slack notifications with line breaks serve as documentation for Ansible automation pipeline executions. By maintaining a history of notifications, teams can refer back to previous pipeline runs, analyze errors, review job variables, and gain insights from output messages. The line breaks aid in organizing the information, allowing for easy navigation and retrieval of details for documentation and knowledge sharing purposes within the Ansible Automation Platform.

      In summary, incorporating line breaks in Slack notifications for error logs, job variables, and output messages within the Ansible Automation Platform improves communication, collaboration, troubleshooting efficiency, and documentation practices. By adding line breaks, organizations can enhance their automation processes, enable effective teamwork, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and knowledge sharing within the Ansible Automation Platform.
      3. How would you like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here)

      Allow the ability to hit enter to introduce a new line into the custom textbox messages, similar to the custom message body

      4. List any affected known dependencies: Doc, UI etc..


      5. Github Link if any

      related: https://github.com/ansible/awx/issues/4538




            chadwickferman Chad Ferman
            jbird@redhat.com Jeffrey Bird
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

