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  1. Teiid Designer
  2. TEIIDDES-1527

Message logged for each model save event when no server connection available


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 8.0
    • None
    • VDB & Execution
    • None

      With no server defined or server disconnected, there is a log message for each model save event.

      No Teiid Server found (server not started)

      This is occurring because ModelChangeJob is creating and executing a UpdatePreviewVdbJob which performs the check and ends up logging an INFO status.

      Users don't really need to know this unless they attempt to preview and a dialog is in place to inform them of no server.

            blafond Barry LaFond
            blafond Barry LaFond
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            1 Start watching this issue
