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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-5014

Unable to use parameterized query with node pg module and Teiid/JBoss VDB


      When using node pg 6.4.1 in a node application to connect to a JBoss VDB with Teiid, we are unable to successfully return data with a parameterized query.

      Example from node js application (failure):

      client.query("SELECT * FROM records WHERE recordType = $1", ['TYPE1'], function(err, result)

      { done(); })

      The above code will actually retrieve rows of data, but the connection will be terminated unexpectedly from the JBoss side, thus resulting in a failure. We can confirm though that the parameter is properly inserted into the variable, and rows of data can be retrieved without issue.

      Also, we have confirmed that when sending a static query, we are able to successfully return data without JBoss terminating the connection. We found this approach from the Teiid blog: http://teiid.blogspot.com/2013/02/access-teiid-from-nodejs.html

      Example from node js application (success):

      client.query("SELECT * FROM records WHERE recordType = 'TYPE1'", function(err, result) { done(); }


      Is there something different about a parameterized query vs. a static query that may cause this issue?

      Are you aware of other individuals who have successfully used parameterized queries with the node pg module and Teiid/JBoss VDB?

      Is it possible that how the ODBC settings for Teiid are configured may have an impact on parameterized queries vs. static queries?

      Link: https://teiid.gitbooks.io/documents/content/client-dev/ODBC_Support.html

      Thank you so much for all your help!

            rhn-engineering-shawkins Steven Hawkins
            brianm1_jira Brian M (Inactive)
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