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  1. Migration Toolkit for Red Hat Openshift Project Lead
  2. MTRHO-125

[Bug] Typing in filter field on select/edit PVC wizard steps triggers the "Leave this page?" confirmation modal


      Found by @stillalearner (see slack conversation [here](https://coreos.slack.com/archives/CKRUT8WQ3/p1658838237884129))
      > As soon as we type something in the select/edit PVC filter field, This dialog box blocks the UI unnecessarily
      however, This only happens once and it doesnt appear again after clicking on Cancel. But it shouldnt appear at all.

      ![image (23)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/811963/181082772-15fdd155-682a-4116-ac0b-0439ce9586db.png)

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