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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-2792

Data manipulation with HQL / SQL nodes


      Currently HQL / SQL nodes only allow you to run queries. It would be great if it was possible to run data manipulation operations (INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE) as well.

      It should be quite easy to implement this by adding a new possible flag to the hql / sql node and calling org.hibernate.Query.executeUpdate() from org.jbpm.jpdl.internal.activity.HqlActivity.perform(OpenExecution) method:

      public class HqlActivity extends JpdlAutomaticActivity {
      // ...
      public void perform(OpenExecution execution) {
      // ...

      if(isUpdate) { // isUpdate: this a new flag that indicates that this is a data manipulation operation
      // execute update and store the number of entities / rows affected (inserted, updated or deleted) by this operation into the result variable
      result = q.executeUpdate();
      } else { if (isResultUnique)

      { result = q.uniqueResult(); }


      { result = q.list(); }

      // ...

            rebody HuiSheng Xu (Inactive)
            h.peter Peter Horvath (Inactive)
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