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  1. IronJacamar
  2. JBJCA-955

Add an interface to allow end-user to have a second chance to create a normal database connection after failling to get connection because of database password error


    • Medium

      When an application can't get a database connection through jca layer due to database password error, it's better to add an extension point in IronJacamar's datasource implementation to allow user'program to "implements". user can get the correct password from another server(our own server which stores the correct password), and then get and return a normal database connection to IronJacamar. This solution's advantage is that we don't need to restart jboss application server when database password is changed (may be due to security reasons)

            jpederse@redhat.com Jesper Pedersen
            zhouyaguo_jira Yaguo Zhou (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
