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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-22057

Changes done to OpenShift application are thrown away when debugging is enabled


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      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection.
      EXEC: Create a new project under the connection.
      EXEC: Create a new application based on EAP 6.4 base S2I template using kitchensink as a CONTEXT_DIR param.
      EXEC: Wait till application pod is running.
      ASSERT: Application is running and kitchensink is imported to workspace.
      EXEC: Create a new server adapter for OpenShift application.
      ASSERT: There is a started server adapter for the OpenShift application and workspace project kitchensink.
      EXEC: Change something in index.xhtml and save changes.
      EXEC: Select Show In - Web Browser from context menu of the server adapter.
      ASSERT: Changes were rsynced to OpenShift (it is visible).
      EXEC: Restart server adapter in Debug mode.
      ASSERT: Server adapter is in [Debugging, *] state.
      EXEC: Refresh application URL or select Show In - Web Browser from context menu of the adapter.

      RESULT: Content of web page has been rollbacked, rsync changes were discard.
      EXPECTED RESULT: I am debugging on my latest version of workspace project.

      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection. EXEC: Create a new project under the connection. EXEC: Create a new application based on EAP 6.4 base S2I template using kitchensink as a CONTEXT_DIR param. EXEC: Wait till application pod is running. ASSERT: Application is running and kitchensink is imported to workspace. EXEC: Create a new server adapter for OpenShift application. ASSERT: There is a started server adapter for the OpenShift application and workspace project kitchensink. EXEC: Change something in index.xhtml and save changes. EXEC: Select Show In - Web Browser from context menu of the server adapter. ASSERT: Changes were rsynced to OpenShift (it is visible). EXEC: Restart server adapter in Debug mode. ASSERT: Server adapter is in [Debugging, *] state. EXEC: Refresh application URL or select Show In - Web Browser from context menu of the adapter. RESULT: Content of web page has been rollbacked, rsync changes were discard. EXPECTED RESULT: I am debugging on my latest version of workspace project.

      When I have an OpenShift application and I do any changes locally which are either incrementally or fully published, enabling of debugging discard those changes and start debugging on something different.

      I think this is caused because enabling debugging inject another env. vars to OpenShift and it spin up a new pod but does not keep changes.

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
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