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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-2297

MessageDrivenComponent startDelivery/stopDelivery is not thread safe


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.0.0.ER1
    • 7.0.0.ER1
    • EJB
    • None

      WFLY-4470 made a change to prevent MDBs being activated or deactivated multiple times, but it is not thread safe. A volatile boolean is used for the flag, but there is no protection against multiple threads invoking the methods simultaneously.

      Possible effects include:
      activating the endpoint twice, with (probably) only one deactivation later, leading to not de-registering XA resources from the recovery manager properly
      activate() and deactivate() running in the wrong order if done by separate threads

            rhn-support-jlivings James Livingston (Inactive)
            rhn-support-jlivings James Livingston (Inactive)
            Ondrej Chaloupka Ondrej Chaloupka (Inactive)
            Ondrej Chaloupka Ondrej Chaloupka (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
