
    • Release Notes
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      A limited number of third party extensions and tools could be installed from the JBoss Developer Studio Extras site. This was achieved through mirroring of other sites and the use of Tycho, a set of plug-ins for Eclipse used to build update sites. The site for FindBugs 2.0.1 was not compatible with Tycho and made maintaining the Extras site difficult. To resolve this issue, FindBugs is now only available through JBoss Central and as version 2.0.2. Similarly, PMD and Android Tooling are also no longer available through the Extras site but are now available through JBoss Central.
      A limited number of third party extensions and tools could be installed from the JBoss Developer Studio Extras site. This was achieved through mirroring of other sites and the use of Tycho, a set of plug-ins for Eclipse used to build update sites. The site for FindBugs 2.0.1 was not compatible with Tycho and made maintaining the Extras site difficult. To resolve this issue, FindBugs is now only available through JBoss Central and as version 2.0.2. Similarly, PMD and Android Tooling are also no longer available through the Extras site but are now available through JBoss Central.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue

          nickboldt Nick Boldt
          nickboldt Nick Boldt
          Michelle Murray Michelle Murray (Inactive)
          0 Vote for this issue
          2 Start watching this issue
