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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-9539

${jdbc.maxPoolSize} value in *-ds.xml file always read as 0 in JBOSS 6.1


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 6.1.0
    • JCA service
    • None
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      1. Go to jbossi-6\server\default\deploy and find the max-pool-value in oracle*ds.xml.
      2. Replace the value with ${jdbc.securedatasource.maxPoolSize.jbi}
      3. Start the JBoss and deploy the app

      1. Go to jbossi-6\server\default\deploy and find the max-pool-value in oracle*ds.xml. 2. Replace the value with ${jdbc.securedatasource.maxPoolSize.jbi} 3. Start the JBoss and deploy the app

      I’ve recently started using JBoss 6.1.0 and ran into an issue with setting min and max pool size in oracle-ds.xml. I tried two approaches (for both max and min pool size):

      1. as a hardcoded number like <max-pool-size>5</max-pool-size>
      2. as a configurable variable like <max-pool-size>${jdbc.maxPoolSize}</max-pool-size>

      While the first approach worked fine the second one didn't. When the max and min pool sizes were set as configurable variables, the Java.sql.DataSource object created had max-pool-size=0 and min-pool-size=0. All the other settings (being set as configurable variables) in the same xml config file worked as expected. When I did further investigation I found that,

      Org.jboss.resource.deployers.ManagedConnectionFactoryParserDeployer class reads all the oracle*-ds.xml files and sets the max/min pool size values to 0 even though I specified <max-pool-size>${jdbc.maxPoolSize}</max-pool-size>. It is not going and reading the value from the property file.

      This had been working fine in JBoss 4.2

            jpederse@redhat.com Jesper Pedersen
            knarayanan123_jira Karthick Narayanan (Inactive)
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