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  1. HAL
  2. HAL-790

IIOP configuration - deleting of set integer attribute is not propagated from UI to CLI.


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      1. Run EAP 7.0.0 DR8 in standalone mode with standalone-full-ha profile.
      2.In configuration, subsystems ,IIOP try to set integer value (High water mark or Number to reclaim) and then save.
      4.Try to delete set value and save again
      5.Reload and check - value is not deleted

      1. Run EAP 7.0.0 DR8 in standalone mode with standalone-full-ha profile. 2.In configuration, subsystems ,IIOP try to set integer value (High water mark or Number to reclaim) and then save. 3.Reload 4.Try to delete set value and save again 5.Reload and check - value is not deleted

      When integer value (number to reclaim or high water mark) in IIOP subsystem configuration is set and saved and then you try to delete set value and save again, edit operation is successful without warning, deleting is not propagated to model and after reloading, web console is still showing first set value.

            remerson@redhat.com Ryan Emerson
            pcyprian_jira Patrik Cyprian (Inactive)
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            2 Start watching this issue
