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  1. Fuse Tooling
  2. FUSETOOLS-2116

BundleSymbolicName for projects created via the template wizard should be whatever the user chose as project name


    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Release Notes, Interactive Demo/Tutorial

      If the user creates one project with a template (JBoss Fuse->Beginner->Content Based Router for example) and a unique project name, then creates a second project with the same template and a unique name, the BundleSymbolicName that is used by OSGI for the deployed project has the same ID in both cases.

      We should change the BundleSymbolicName to be the same as the project name specified by the user in the wizard so that each project/bundle is unique.

            lheinema@redhat.com Lars Heinemann
            bfitzpat_rh Brian Fitzpatrick (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
