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  1. JBoss A-MQ
  2. ENTMQ-1015

No message received on ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • JBoss A-MQ 6.2
    • JBoss A-MQ 6.1
    • broker
    • None
    • Hide
      • Setup an A-MQ in master - slave mode (in my tests I've used shared filesystem)
      • Define a listener to MasterBroker Advisory topic (e.g. <from uri="activemq:topic:ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker"/> ) in both master and slave nodes
      • Force a failover (e.g. kill or shutdown the master)
      • Check that no message is delivered to "ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker"
      Setup an A-MQ in master - slave mode (in my tests I've used shared filesystem) Define a listener to MasterBroker Advisory topic (e.g. <from uri="activemq:topic:ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker"/> ) in both master and slave nodes Force a failover (e.g. kill or shutdown the master) Check that no message is delivered to "ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker"

      I need to define a camel route that listen to the ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker topic, for having notification about Master / Slave failover.I wasn't able to receive any event from that topic in A-MQ 6.1. I suppose this to be related to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQ-4108, even if the version of AMQ shipped in 6.1 should be already fixed (5.9).Forcing that topic to be retroactive (e.g. adding a policy like <policyEntry topic=">" alwaysRetroactive="true"/> ), the Advisory message are delivered for a while, but the whole thing is a bit unstable (e.g. that setting disappear after a failover).In details, I've noticed, in my local setup (2 A-MQ node in master-slave with a shared local filesystem), that after a failover (e.g. kill -9 of the master process), the ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker stops delivering messages (and also checking the alwaysRetroactive propriety via JMX, I can see that become false, ignoring the policy).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-gbonocor Giuseppe Bonocore (Inactive)
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