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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-6303

Please fix S-RAMP installer for EAP > 6.4.6


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • jboss-fuse-6.2.1
    • jboss-fuse-6.2.1
    • S-RAMP
    • None
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      Try to install S-RAMP on EAP 6.4.7 or later.

      Also to test: Ensure S-RAMP allows upload of an artifact (like a SwitchYard .jar) and examination through the DTGov console viewer. If the artifact is successfully loaded, parsed, and viewed then ENTESB-6230 is included.

      Try to install S-RAMP on EAP 6.4.7 or later. Also to test: Ensure S-RAMP allows upload of an artifact (like a SwitchYard .jar) and examination through the DTGov console viewer. If the artifact is successfully loaded, parsed, and viewed then ENTESB-6230 is included.

      The S-RAMP installer (for Fuse 6.2.1) fails when it is used with EAP newer than 6.4.6. Please fix the installer so it works with newer EAP versions.

      Please also ensure the resulting S-RAMP includes the fixes from ENTESB-6230. (This JIRA aggregated JavaScript artifacts that were no longer reachable.)

            dcoleman@redhat.com Darren Coleman
            rhn-support-rick Rick Wagner
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