
    • False
    • None
    • False

      Description of problem:

      Recommended plugins no longer installed in the ansible-devspace-demo when using the main branch.

      Not sure if this is just a duplicate of #CRW-4576


      Launching the devspaces using the 3.7 or 3.8 branch.
      If impacted by CRW-4576, clean up browser's cache.

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Using either the 3.7 or 3.8 branch works as expected.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Launch the developer sandbox from the main branch and none of the plugins are installed.


      Actual results:

      Workspace starts showing recommended plugins but none of them are installed.

      Expected results:

      Recommended plugins are installed.

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):

      I've heard that restarting the workspace may fix the issue but I wasn't able to reproduce it.

      Acceptance criteria: 

       Recommended plugins are installed on launch.

      • "ms-python.python"
      • "redhat.vscode-yaml"
      • "redhat.ansible"
      • "redhat.vscode-openshift-connector"
      • "ms-python.black-formatter"

      Definition of Done:

      Build Details:

      Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):

      One change of note was the removal of the redhat.vscode-yaml extension from the .vscode/extensions.json file in this commit 7f29c94

      The redhat.ansible plugin depends on that. Not sure if dependencies are automatically installed.

            vsvydenk Valerii Svydenko
            rhn-gps-jpullen Jeff Pullen (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
