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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-2033

Managed Tomcat fails to launch on Windows during maven test phase


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      • Install current Tomcat distribution into local file system.
      • Configure manage-script role, and user configured for the manager-script role.
      • Add in-container testing to a suitable project [use Forge as a short cut]
      • Configure the arquillian.xml file to point to the installed tomcat, and the manager-script enabled user.
      • Run the maven test phase, and note that the container fails to start.
      Install current Tomcat distribution into local file system. Configure manage-script role, and user configured for the manager-script role. Add in-container testing to a suitable project [use Forge as a short cut] Configure the arquillian.xml file to point to the installed tomcat, and the manager-script enabled user. Run the maven test phase, and note that the container fails to start.

      The TomcatManagedContainer class assembles file system path parameters int its start tomcat command line by string concatenation, for example:
      {{ cmd.add("-Djava.endorsed.dirs=" + absoluteCatalinaHomePath + "/endorsed");}}

      This works fine on Linux and OSX but fails for those developers afflicted by Windows as their dev system. The '/' character embedded in several string fragments needs to be replaced by the localized java.util.File.separator field.

            mjobanek Matous Jobanek
            cabledave_jira Dave Levitt (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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