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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-2001

Log status code in WLPRestClient.isServerUp()


      The WLPRestClient.isServerUp() method doesn't log the status code returned when the following line of code is executed

      HttpResponse result = executor.execute(Request.Get(hostName)).returnResponse();

      The lack of logging makes is impossible to tell why the isServerUp() check failure occurred and the only information returned is a LifecycleException thrown by WLPRemoteContainer with the text "Remote server is not started". This can be misleading as the server may be up but something else is wrong such as an authentication failure.

      Adding something similar to the logging in WLPRestClient.deploy(File archive) would allow the HTTP status code to be recorded and make troubleshooting a lot easier.

            gpoul_jira Gerhard Poul (Inactive)
            paul.holding_jira Paul Holding (Inactive)
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