May 5, 2012 8:49:05 AM org.apache.karaf.main.SimpleFileLock lock INFO: locking 2012-05-05 08:49:05,595 | INFO | a-7-054-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 8 - org.apache.aries.blueprint - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | No quiesce support is available, so blueprint components will not participate in quiesce operations 2012-05-05 08:49:06,630 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature karaf-framework 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:06,632 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn [2] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,634 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.url.wrap [1] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,635 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api [4] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,637 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service [3] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,638 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.felix.configadmin [5] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,640 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.felix.fileinstall [6] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,641 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.asm [10] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,643 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.util [9] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,644 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.proxy [7] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,646 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.blueprint [8] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,648 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [16] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,649 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [41] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,651 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [21] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,666 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [19] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,668 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [22] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,669 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [26] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,671 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.jaas.config [12] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,673 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules [18] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,674 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.jaas.command [40] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,676 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.features.core [15] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,678 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.features.command [31] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,679 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [27] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,681 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [17] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,682 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.jmx [25] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,684 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.jmx.blueprint [23] 2012-05-05 08:49:06,684 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature config 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:06,708 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle 2012-05-05 08:49:06,713 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-bundle 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:06,740 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.fusesource.fabric.fab/fab-osgi/7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:07,043 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.base/ops4j-base-net/1.2.2 2012-05-05 08:49:07,080 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.base/ops4j-base-lang/1.2.2 2012-05-05 08:49:07,092 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.base/ops4j-base-monitors/1.2.2 2012-05-05 08:49:07,110 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.base/ops4j-base-util-property/1.2.2 2012-05-05 08:49:07,151 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.swissbox/pax-swissbox-optional-jcl/1.3.1 2012-05-05 08:49:07,156 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.swissbox/pax-swissbox-property/1.2.0 2012-05-05 08:49:07,182 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-boot-commands 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:07,185 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-zookeeper 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:07,186 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt [48] 2012-05-05 08:49:07,189 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.codec [47] 2012-05-05 08:49:07,190 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang [43] 2012-05-05 08:49:07,192 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-linkedin-zookeeper [45] 2012-05-05 08:49:07,194 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-zookeeper [42] 2012-05-05 08:49:07,195 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-core-asl [44] 2012-05-05 08:49:07,196 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-mapper-asl [46] 2012-05-05 08:49:07,197 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-maven-proxy 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:07,197 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature http 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:07,197 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature jetty 7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,229 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.specs/org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1/2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:07,266 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec/1.1.2 2012-05-05 08:49:07,283 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:javax.mail/mail/1.4.4 2012-05-05 08:49:07,333 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec/1.1.1 2012-05-05 08:49:07,389 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,427 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,451 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,561 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-client/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,595 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-continuation/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,627 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,640 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,662 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-security/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,683 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlet/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,726 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlets/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,744 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-xml/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,753 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-webapp/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,773 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jndi/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,785 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-plus/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,796 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-websocket/7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:07,828 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Checking configuration file mvn:org.apache.karaf/apache-karaf/2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054/xml/jettyconfig 2012-05-05 08:49:07,829 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | configFile already exist, don't override it 2012-05-05 08:49:07,854 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-api/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:07,866 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-spi/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:07,875 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-runtime/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:07,926 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-jetty/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:07,936 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KarArtifactInstaller | 30 - org.apache.karaf.deployer.kar - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Karaf archives will be extracted to /opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/system 2012-05-05 08:49:07,936 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KarArtifactInstaller | 30 - org.apache.karaf.deployer.kar - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Timestamps for Karaf archives will be extracted to /opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/system/.timestamps 2012-05-05 08:49:07,944 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.fusesource.fabric/fabric-maven-proxy/7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,013 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-core 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,013 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-zookeeper 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,014 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt [48] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,016 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.codec [47] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,017 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang [43] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,018 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-linkedin-zookeeper [45] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,019 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-zookeeper [42] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,036 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-core-asl [44] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,037 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-mapper-asl [46] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,038 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: scala-library [50] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,039 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.insight.insight-log [49] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,040 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-core [51] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,041 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch [53] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,042 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: scala-library [50] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,043 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-core-asl [44] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,044 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-mapper-asl [46] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,045 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jsch [53] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,083 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.fusesource.fabric/fabric-core-agent-ssh/7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,116 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-boot-commands [52] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,116 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature patch 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,194 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.fusesource.patch/patch-core/7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,206 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.fusesource.patch/patch-commands/7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,216 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | SecurityUtils | 24 - sshd-core - 0.5.0 | BouncyCastle not registered, using the default JCE provider 2012-05-05 08:49:08,224 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq-spring 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,224 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-dm 1.2.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,224 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,260 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance/1.0_5 2012-05-05 08:49:08,314 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-core/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,332 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-asm/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,342 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-expression/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,359 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-beans/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,395 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-aop/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,426 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-context/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,452 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-context-support/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:08,492 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib/2.1_3_7 2012-05-05 08:49:08,504 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework.osgi/spring-osgi-io/1.2.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,513 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework.osgi/spring-osgi-core/1.2.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,529 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework.osgi/spring-osgi-extender/1.2.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,544 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework.osgi/spring-osgi-annotation/1.2.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,574 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.deployer.spring [11] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,575 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:08,614 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec/1.1.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,620 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:49:08,621 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec/1.1.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,631 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec/1.0.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,671 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:commons-pool/commons-pool/1.5.4 2012-05-05 08:49:08,738 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,765 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang/2.4_4 2012-05-05 08:49:08,775 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-codec/1.3_3 2012-05-05 08:49:08,790 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.oro/2.0.8_3 2012-05-05 08:49:08,839 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity/1.7_1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,933 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt/1.6_1 2012-05-05 08:49:08,956 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.specs/org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0/1.9.0 2012-05-05 08:49:09,015 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3/1.1.4c_5 2012-05-05 08:49:09,033 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.joda-time/1.5.2_2 2012-05-05 08:49:09,034 | INFO | ispatcher thread | OsgiZkClient | 42 - org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-zookeeper - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Starting StateChangeDispatcher 2012-05-05 08:49:09,059 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jdom/1.1_4 2012-05-05 08:49:09,154 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dom4j/1.6.1_2 2012-05-05 08:49:09,200 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream/1.3_3 2012-05-05 08:49:09,271 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction.manager/0.3 2012-05-05 08:49:09,297 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-core/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,440 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/kahadb/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,457 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-console/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,471 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-ra/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,506 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-pool/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,555 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,591 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,619 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.xbean/xbean-spring/3.9 2012-05-05 08:49:09,640 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-spring/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,645 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature mq-fabric 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,645 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-groups 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,645 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature fabric-zookeeper 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,647 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt [48] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,651 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.codec [47] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,652 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang [43] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,654 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-linkedin-zookeeper [45] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,655 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-zookeeper [42] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,656 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-core-asl [44] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,658 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: jackson-mapper-asl [46] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,659 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: scala-library [50] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,678 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.fusesource.fabric/fabric-groups/7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,706 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,708 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec [103] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,714 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,715 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,716 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec [105] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,717 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.pool [106] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,718 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.collections [107] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,719 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang [108] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,720 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-codec [109] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,721 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.oro [110] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,724 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity [111] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,726 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt [112] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,727 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 [113] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,728 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 [114] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,729 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.joda-time [115] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,731 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jdom [116] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,732 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dom4j [117] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,733 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream [118] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,734 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,741 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-core [120] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,743 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.kahadb [121] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,744 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-console [122] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,746 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra [123] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,747 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-pool [124] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,751 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: activemq-karaf [125] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,752 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,752 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq-spring 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,752 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-dm 1.2.1 2012-05-05 08:49:09,753 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:49:09,754 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,755 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,757 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,758 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,759 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,766 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,769 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,771 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,772 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib [98] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,773 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [99] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,774 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.osgi.core [100] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,775 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.osgi.extender [101] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,777 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations [102] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,778 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.deployer.spring [11] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,778 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,779 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec [103] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,794 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,795 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,796 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec [105] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,797 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.pool [106] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,798 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.collections [107] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,800 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang [108] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,801 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-codec [109] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,802 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.oro [110] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,804 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity [111] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,805 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt [112] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,807 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 [113] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,812 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 [114] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,813 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.joda-time [115] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,815 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jdom [116] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,816 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dom4j [117] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,818 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream [118] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,819 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,825 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-core [120] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,827 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.kahadb [121] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,828 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-console [122] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,830 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra [123] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,831 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-pool [124] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,832 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: activemq-karaf [125] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,834 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,835 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.xbean.spring [126] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,837 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-spring [127] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,837 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq-blueprint 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,837 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,839 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec [103] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,840 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,841 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,842 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec [105] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,875 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.pool [106] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,876 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.collections [107] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,877 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang [108] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,878 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-codec [109] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,880 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.oro [110] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,881 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity [111] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,883 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt [112] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,885 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 [113] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,886 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 [114] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,887 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.joda-time [115] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,889 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jdom [116] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,891 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dom4j [117] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,892 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream [118] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,893 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,899 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-core [120] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,904 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.kahadb [121] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,905 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-console [122] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,906 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra [123] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,907 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-pool [124] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,909 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: activemq-karaf [125] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,910 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:49:09,929 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.specs/org.apache.servicemix.specs.scripting-api-1.0/2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:09,935 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.commons/commons-jexl/2.0.1 2012-05-05 08:49:09,945 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.xbean/xbean-blueprint/3.9 2012-05-05 08:49:09,998 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-blueprint/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:10,002 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.fusesource.insight.insight-log [49] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,028 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle 2012-05-05 08:49:10,033 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature war 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:10,034 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature http 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:10,034 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature jetty 7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:10,035 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,037 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec [64] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,038 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: javax.mail [65] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,039 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,040 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.util [67] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,041 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [68] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,042 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.http [69] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,043 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.client [70] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,044 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.continuation [71] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,046 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jmx [72] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,047 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.server [73] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,049 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [74] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,050 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlet [75] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,051 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlets [76] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,052 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.xml [77] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,054 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.webapp [78] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,055 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jndi [79] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,056 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [80] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,057 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket [81] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,058 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Checking configuration file mvn:org.apache.karaf/apache-karaf/2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054/xml/jettyconfig 2012-05-05 08:49:10,058 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | configFile already exist, don't override it 2012-05-05 08:49:10,059 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-api [82] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,060 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-spi [83] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,061 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime [84] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,068 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty [85] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,097 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle 2012-05-05 08:49:10,111 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle 2012-05-05 08:49:10,125 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-jsp/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:10,196 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-extender-war/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:10,235 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-extender-whiteboard/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:10,379 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-deployer/1.0.8 2012-05-05 08:49:10,384 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.ops4j.pax.url/pax-url-war/1.2.8 2012-05-05 08:49:10,395 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature mq-web-console 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 2012-05-05 08:49:10,396 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature war 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:10,396 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature http 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:49:10,396 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature jetty 7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:10,398 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,399 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec [64] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,400 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: javax.mail [65] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,400 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,402 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.util [67] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,403 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [68] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,404 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.http [69] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,406 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.client [70] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,407 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.continuation [71] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,408 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jmx [72] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,409 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.server [73] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,410 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [74] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,411 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlet [75] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,412 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlets [76] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,413 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.xml [77] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,414 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.webapp [78] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,415 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jndi [79] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,416 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [80] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,417 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket [81] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,418 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Checking configuration file mvn:org.apache.karaf/apache-karaf/2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054/xml/jettyconfig 2012-05-05 08:49:10,418 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | configFile already exist, don't override it 2012-05-05 08:49:10,419 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-api [82] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,420 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-spi [83] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,421 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime [84] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,422 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty [85] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,424 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [134] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,425 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [135] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,426 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jsp [136] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,427 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war [137] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,428 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-whiteboard [138] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,429 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-deployer [139] 2012-05-05 08:49:10,430 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.url.war [140] 2012-05-05 08:49:15,036 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle 2012-05-05 08:49:28,967 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundles to refresh: org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service (3), org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt (48), org.ops4j.pax.url.wrap (1), org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn (2), (41) 2012-05-05 08:49:28,967 | INFO | Thread-4 | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing bundles: org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service (3), org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt (48), org.ops4j.pax.url.wrap (1), org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn (2), (41) 2012-05-05 08:49:29,309 | INFO | eta-054-thread-1 | BlueprintContainerImpl | 8 - org.apache.aries.blueprint - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundle org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-boot-commands is waiting for dependencies [(objectClass=org.fusesource.fabric.api.FabricService)] 2012-05-05 08:49:30,761 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | Activator | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Pax Web started 2012-05-05 08:49:30,851 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-1 | Server | - - | jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:30,941 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-1 | JettyServerImpl | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Pax Web available at []:[8080] 2012-05-05 08:49:30,944 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-1 | AbstractConnector | - - | Started NIOSocketConnectorWrapper@ STARTING 2012-05-05 08:49:31,167 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | Server | - - | jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:49:31,170 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | AbstractConnector | - - | Started SelectChannelConnector@ STARTING 2012-05-05 08:49:31,170 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | JettyServerImpl | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Pax Web available at []:[8181] 2012-05-05 08:49:31,171 | WARN | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | NIOSocketConnectorWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Connection on port 8181 cannot be open. Reason: Address already in use 2012-05-05 08:49:31,229 | INFO | Thread-4 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:49:31,293 | INFO | Thread-4 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]}} 2012-05-05 08:49:31,299 | INFO | Thread-4 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.fusesource.fabric.maven.impl.SecureHttpContext@4076a247} 2012-05-05 08:49:31,641 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-1 | ContextLoaderListener | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Starting [org.springframework.osgi.extender] bundle v.[1.2.1] 2012-05-05 08:49:31,828 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-1 | ExtenderConfiguration | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | No custom extender configuration detected; using defaults... 2012-05-05 08:49:31,877 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-1 | TimerTaskExecutor | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Initializing Timer 2012-05-05 08:49:33,172 | WARN | Thread-4 | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/JournalEventListener 2012-05-05 08:49:33,187 | WARN | Thread-4 | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:49:33,226 | WARN | Thread-4 | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:49:33,343 | WARN | Thread-4 | NamespaceManager | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Bundle activemq-ra (org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra) cannot see class [org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.NamespaceHandlerResolver]; ignoring its namespace handlers 2012-05-05 08:49:34,317 | INFO | eta-054-thread-1 | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Standalone broker default is starting. 2012-05-05 08:49:34,346 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory$$anon$1 | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Refreshing$$anon$1@cb8a0c8: startup date [Sat May 05 08:49:34 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:49:34,391 | INFO | Broker: default | XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Loading XML bean definitions from file [/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/etc/activemq.xml] 2012-05-05 08:49:34,697 | INFO | Broker: default | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:49:34,756 | INFO | d-1.0.8-thread-1 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:49:34,776 | INFO | d-1.0.8-thread-1 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]}} 2012-05-05 08:49:34,942 | INFO | Broker: default | PListStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | PListStore:[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/default/tmp_storage ] started 2012-05-05 08:49:35,083 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Using Persistence Adapter: KahaDBPersistenceAdapter[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/kahadb] 2012-05-05 08:49:35,274 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 JMS Message Broker (default) is starting 2012-05-05 08:49:35,274 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | For help or more information please see: 2012-05-05 08:49:35,436 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportServerThreadSupport | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Listening for connections at: tcp://davsclaus.lan:61616 2012-05-05 08:49:35,444 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportConnector | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Connector openwire Started 2012-05-05 08:49:35,445 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (default, ID:davsclaus.lan-62132-1336200575285-0:1) started 2012-05-05 08:49:35,445 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Broker default has started. 2012-05-05 08:49:35,667 | INFO | Thread-4 | WebXmlObserver | 137 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war - 1.0.8 | Using [activemqweb] as web application context name 2012-05-05 08:49:35,667 | INFO | Thread-4 | WebXmlObserver | 137 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war - 1.0.8 | Using [] as web application root path 2012-05-05 08:49:35,725 | INFO | Thread-4 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console [141]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:49:35,750 | INFO | Thread-4 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.war.internal.WebAppWebContainerContext@28ca66b4} 2012-05-05 08:49:35,864 | INFO | Thread-4 | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Sat May 05 08:49:35 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:49:35,957 | INFO | Thread-4 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-properties.xml] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,019 | INFO | Thread-4 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-query.xml] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,216 | INFO | Thread-4 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [queueBrowser,messageQuery,queueConsumerQuery,connectionQuery,placeholderConfig,sessionPool,configuration,brokerQuery,connectionFactory]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:49:36,342 | INFO | Thread-4 | WebConsoleStarter | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ WebConsole initialized. 2012-05-05 08:49:36,601 | INFO | Thread-4 | /activemqweb | - - | Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher' 2012-05-05 08:49:36,601 | INFO | Thread-4 | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization started 2012-05-05 08:49:36,603 | INFO | Thread-4 | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'dispatcher-servlet': startup date [Sat May 05 08:49:36 CEST 2012]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext 2012-05-05 08:49:36,605 | INFO | Thread-4 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,697 | INFO | Thread-4 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [handlerMapping,/createDestination.action,/deleteDestination.action,/createSubscriber.action,/deleteSubscriber.action,/sendMessage.action,/purgeDestination.action,/deleteMessage.action,/copyMessage.action,/moveMessage.action,/deleteJob.action,exceptionResolver]; parent: 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createDestination.action] onto handler [/createDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteDestination.action] onto handler [/deleteDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createSubscriber.action] onto handler [/createSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteSubscriber.action] onto handler [/deleteSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/sendMessage.action] onto handler [/sendMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/purgeDestination.action] onto handler [/purgeDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteMessage.action] onto handler [/deleteMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/copyMessage.action] onto handler [/copyMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/moveMessage.action] onto handler [/moveMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:36,730 | INFO | Thread-4 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteJob.action] onto handler [/deleteJob.action] 2012-05-05 08:49:37,080 | INFO | Thread-4 | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization completed in 479 ms 2012-05-05 08:51:50,576 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,579 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel-core 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,579 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:51:50,597 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,598 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,600 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,601 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,603 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,606 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,610 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,612 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,612 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature xml-specs-api 2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,614 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,633 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.specs/org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0/2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,641 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.specs/org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2/2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,691 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.codehaus.woodstox/stax2-api/3.1.1 2012-05-05 08:51:50,702 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl/4.1.2 2012-05-05 08:51:50,732 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl/ 2012-05-05 08:51:50,764 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-core/2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,818 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.camel.karaf/camel-karaf-commands/2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,822 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel-spring 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,822 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:51:50,825 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,827 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,828 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,829 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,830 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,832 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,834 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,837 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,837 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-dm 1.2.1 2012-05-05 08:51:50,837 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:51:50,839 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,841 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,842 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,843 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,845 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,846 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,849 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,851 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,852 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.cglib [98] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,854 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [99] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,855 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.osgi.core [100] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,856 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.osgi.extender [101] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,857 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations [102] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,859 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.karaf.deployer.spring [11] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,859 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-tx 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:51:50,859 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:51:50,861 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,862 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,864 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,866 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,867 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,869 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,872 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,874 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:51:50,938 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-tx/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:51:50,949 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel-core 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:50,949 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:51:51,002 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,003 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,004 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,005 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,007 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,008 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,011 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,012 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,012 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature xml-specs-api 2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:51,014 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,015 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 [142] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,017 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 [143] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,018 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: stax2-api [144] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,019 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: woodstox-core-asl [145] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,021 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl [146] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,025 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.camel.camel-core [147] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,027 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands [148] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,028 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:51:51,060 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-spring/2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:51:51,080 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundles to refresh: org.springframework.core (91), (97) 2012-05-05 08:51:51,081 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing bundles: org.springframework.core (91), (97) 2012-05-05 08:51:52,325 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | BlueprintContainerImpl | 8 - org.apache.aries.blueprint - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundle org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-boot-commands is waiting for dependencies [(objectClass=org.fusesource.fabric.api.FabricService), (objectClass=org.fusesource.fabric.api.ZooKeeperClusterService)] 2012-05-05 08:51:52,357 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | Server | - - | jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:51:52,414 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | JettyServerImpl | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Pax Web available at []:[8080] 2012-05-05 08:51:52,415 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | AbstractConnector | - - | Started NIOSocketConnectorWrapper@ STARTING 2012-05-05 08:51:52,421 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console [141]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:51:52,447 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:51:52,551 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | Server | - - | jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:51:52,573 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | AbstractConnector | - - | Started SelectChannelConnector@ STARTING 2012-05-05 08:51:52,574 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | JettyServerImpl | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Pax Web available at []:[8181] 2012-05-05 08:51:52,574 | WARN | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | NIOSocketConnectorWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Connection on port 8181 cannot be open. Reason: Address already in use 2012-05-05 08:51:52,585 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.war.internal.WebAppWebContainerContext@2c6d1158} 2012-05-05 08:51:53,001 | WARN | xFrameworkWiring | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/JournalEventListener 2012-05-05 08:51:53,043 | WARN | xFrameworkWiring | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:51:53,077 | WARN | xFrameworkWiring | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:51:53,089 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | ContextLoaderListener | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Starting [org.springframework.osgi.extender] bundle v.[1.2.1] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,211 | WARN | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | NamespaceManager | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Bundle activemq-ra (org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra) cannot see class [org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.NamespaceHandlerResolver]; ignoring its namespace handlers 2012-05-05 08:51:53,232 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | ExtenderConfiguration | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | No custom extender configuration detected; using defaults... 2012-05-05 08:51:53,239 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | TimerTaskExecutor | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Initializing Timer 2012-05-05 08:51:53,624 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:51:53,626 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]}} 2012-05-05 08:51:53,627 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.fusesource.fabric.maven.impl.SecureHttpContext@6bf15d27} 2012-05-05 08:51:53,649 | INFO | eta-054-thread-3 | BlueprintContainerImpl | 8 - org.apache.aries.blueprint - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundle org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-boot-commands is waiting for dependencies [(objectClass=org.fusesource.fabric.api.FabricService)] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,922 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | /activemqweb | - - | Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher' 2012-05-05 08:51:53,922 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization started 2012-05-05 08:51:53,922 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'dispatcher-servlet': startup date [Sat May 05 08:51:53 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:51:53,923 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,948 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [handlerMapping,/createDestination.action,/deleteDestination.action,/createSubscriber.action,/deleteSubscriber.action,/sendMessage.action,/purgeDestination.action,/deleteMessage.action,/copyMessage.action,/moveMessage.action,/deleteJob.action,exceptionResolver]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createDestination.action] onto handler [/createDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteDestination.action] onto handler [/deleteDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createSubscriber.action] onto handler [/createSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteSubscriber.action] onto handler [/deleteSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/sendMessage.action] onto handler [/sendMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/purgeDestination.action] onto handler [/purgeDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteMessage.action] onto handler [/deleteMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,962 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/copyMessage.action] onto handler [/copyMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,963 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/moveMessage.action] onto handler [/moveMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,963 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteJob.action] onto handler [/deleteJob.action] 2012-05-05 08:51:53,991 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization completed in 69 ms 2012-05-05 08:51:54,014 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Sat May 05 08:51:54 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:51:54,014 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-properties.xml] 2012-05-05 08:51:54,041 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-query.xml] 2012-05-05 08:51:54,066 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [queueBrowser,messageQuery,queueConsumerQuery,connectionQuery,placeholderConfig,sessionPool,configuration,brokerQuery,connectionFactory]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:51:54,075 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | WebConsoleStarter | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ WebConsole initialized. 2012-05-05 08:51:54,174 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]}} 2012-05-05 08:51:54,227 | INFO | eta-054-thread-2 | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Standalone broker default is starting. 2012-05-05 08:51:54,230 | INFO | a-7-054-thread-1 | Activator | 147 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 | Camel activator starting 2012-05-05 08:51:54,250 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory$$anon$1 | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Refreshing$$anon$1@29ad3fba: startup date [Sat May 05 08:51:54 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:51:54,287 | INFO | Broker: default | XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Loading XML bean definitions from file [/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/etc/activemq.xml] 2012-05-05 08:51:54,392 | INFO | a-7-054-thread-1 | Activator | 147 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 | Camel activator started 2012-05-05 08:51:54,579 | INFO | Broker: default | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:51:54,660 | INFO | Broker: default | PListStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | PListStore:[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/default/tmp_storage ] started 2012-05-05 08:51:54,706 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Using Persistence Adapter: KahaDBPersistenceAdapter[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/kahadb] 2012-05-05 08:51:55,622 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | KahaDB is version 4 2012-05-05 08:51:55,630 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Recovering from the journal ... 2012-05-05 08:51:55,630 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Recovery replayed 1 operations from the journal in 0.0070 seconds. 2012-05-05 08:51:55,635 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 JMS Message Broker (default) is starting 2012-05-05 08:51:55,635 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | For help or more information please see: 2012-05-05 08:51:55,776 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportServerThreadSupport | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Listening for connections at: tcp://davsclaus.lan:61616 2012-05-05 08:51:55,776 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportConnector | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Connector openwire Started 2012-05-05 08:51:55,777 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (default, ID:davsclaus.lan-62180-1336200715644-0:1) started 2012-05-05 08:51:55,778 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Broker default has started. 2012-05-05 08:52:02,061 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel-jms 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:02,062 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,065 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,066 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,067 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,068 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,070 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,071 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,074 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,075 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,075 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-jms 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,076 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-web 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,076 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,079 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,080 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,081 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,082 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,083 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,085 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,087 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,089 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,089 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature http 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:02,089 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature jetty 7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:52:02,091 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,092 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec [64] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,093 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: javax.mail [65] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,094 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,095 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.util [67] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,096 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [68] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,097 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.http [69] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,098 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.client [70] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,099 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.continuation [71] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,100 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jmx [72] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,102 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.server [73] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,103 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [74] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,104 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlet [75] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,105 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlets [76] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,106 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.xml [77] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,107 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.webapp [78] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,108 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jndi [79] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,109 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [80] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,110 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket [81] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,111 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Checking configuration file mvn:org.apache.karaf/apache-karaf/2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054/xml/jettyconfig 2012-05-05 08:52:02,111 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | configFile already exist, don't override it 2012-05-05 08:52:02,112 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-api [82] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,113 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-spi [83] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,114 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime [84] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,115 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty [85] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,146 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-web/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,204 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-webmvc/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,223 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,224 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,232 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.springframework/spring-jms/3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,261 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.transaction [149] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,261 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel-core 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:02,261 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:02,263 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,264 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,265 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,266 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,267 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,269 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,271 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,272 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,272 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature xml-specs-api 2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:02,273 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,274 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 [142] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,276 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 [143] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,277 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: stax2-api [144] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,278 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: woodstox-core-asl [145] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,279 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl [146] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,282 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.camel.camel-core [147] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,284 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands [148] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,285 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,323 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:commons-pool/commons-pool/1.5.6 2012-05-05 08:52:02,343 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:52:02,362 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.camel/camel-jms/2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:02,395 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundles to refresh: org.springframework.aop (95) 2012-05-05 08:52:02,395 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing bundles: org.springframework.aop (95) 2012-05-05 08:52:04,708 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | BlueprintContainerImpl | 8 - org.apache.aries.blueprint - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundle org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-boot-commands is waiting for dependencies [(objectClass=org.fusesource.fabric.api.FabricService), (objectClass=org.fusesource.fabric.api.ZooKeeperClusterService)] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,752 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | Server | - - | jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:52:04,754 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | AbstractConnector | - - | Started SelectChannelConnector@ STARTING 2012-05-05 08:52:04,755 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | JettyServerImpl | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Pax Web available at []:[8181] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,755 | WARN | e-1.0.8-thread-2 | NIOSocketConnectorWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Connection on port 8181 cannot be open. Reason: Address already in use 2012-05-05 08:52:04,757 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console [141]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:52:04,764 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.war.internal.WebAppWebContainerContext@7bf83b8a} 2012-05-05 08:52:04,787 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Sat May 05 08:52:04 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:04,787 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-properties.xml] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,802 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-query.xml] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,833 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [queueBrowser,messageQuery,queueConsumerQuery,connectionQuery,placeholderConfig,sessionPool,configuration,brokerQuery,connectionFactory]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:04,838 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | WebConsoleStarter | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ WebConsole initialized. 2012-05-05 08:52:04,858 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | /activemqweb | - - | Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher' 2012-05-05 08:52:04,878 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization started 2012-05-05 08:52:04,879 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'dispatcher-servlet': startup date [Sat May 05 08:52:04 CEST 2012]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext 2012-05-05 08:52:04,880 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,900 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [handlerMapping,/createDestination.action,/deleteDestination.action,/createSubscriber.action,/deleteSubscriber.action,/sendMessage.action,/purgeDestination.action,/deleteMessage.action,/copyMessage.action,/moveMessage.action,/deleteJob.action,exceptionResolver]; parent: 2012-05-05 08:52:04,902 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createDestination.action] onto handler [/createDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,902 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteDestination.action] onto handler [/deleteDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,902 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createSubscriber.action] onto handler [/createSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,902 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteSubscriber.action] onto handler [/deleteSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,902 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/sendMessage.action] onto handler [/sendMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,902 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/purgeDestination.action] onto handler [/purgeDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,902 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteMessage.action] onto handler [/deleteMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,903 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/copyMessage.action] onto handler [/copyMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,903 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/moveMessage.action] onto handler [/moveMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,903 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteJob.action] onto handler [/deleteJob.action] 2012-05-05 08:52:04,911 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization completed in 33 ms 2012-05-05 08:52:04,912 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:52:04,913 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-2 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]}} 2012-05-05 08:52:05,159 | WARN | xFrameworkWiring | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/JournalEventListener 2012-05-05 08:52:05,169 | WARN | xFrameworkWiring | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:52:05,186 | WARN | xFrameworkWiring | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:52:05,230 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | ContextLoaderListener | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Starting [org.springframework.osgi.extender] bundle v.[1.2.1] 2012-05-05 08:52:05,577 | WARN | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | NamespaceManager | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Bundle activemq-ra (org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra) cannot see class [org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.NamespaceHandlerResolver]; ignoring its namespace handlers 2012-05-05 08:52:05,656 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | ExtenderConfiguration | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | No custom extender configuration detected; using defaults... 2012-05-05 08:52:05,657 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-2 | TimerTaskExecutor | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Initializing Timer 2012-05-05 08:52:05,919 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:52:05,920 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]}} 2012-05-05 08:52:05,921 | INFO | xFrameworkWiring | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.fusesource.fabric.maven.impl.SecureHttpContext@3af75dd} 2012-05-05 08:52:05,945 | INFO | eta-054-thread-3 | BlueprintContainerImpl | 8 - org.apache.aries.blueprint - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundle org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-boot-commands is waiting for dependencies [(objectClass=org.fusesource.fabric.api.ZooKeeperClusterService)] 2012-05-05 08:52:06,200 | INFO | eta-054-thread-2 | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Standalone broker default is starting. 2012-05-05 08:52:06,217 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory$$anon$1 | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Refreshing$$anon$1@6bd26ddd: startup date [Sat May 05 08:52:06 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:06,221 | INFO | Broker: default | XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Loading XML bean definitions from file [/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/etc/activemq.xml] 2012-05-05 08:52:06,278 | INFO | Broker: default | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:06,322 | INFO | Broker: default | PListStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | PListStore:[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/default/tmp_storage ] started 2012-05-05 08:52:06,392 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Using Persistence Adapter: KahaDBPersistenceAdapter[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/kahadb] 2012-05-05 08:52:06,791 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | KahaDB is version 4 2012-05-05 08:52:06,797 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Recovering from the journal ... 2012-05-05 08:52:06,797 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Recovery replayed 1 operations from the journal in 0.0050 seconds. 2012-05-05 08:52:06,800 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 JMS Message Broker (default) is starting 2012-05-05 08:52:06,801 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | For help or more information please see: 2012-05-05 08:52:06,937 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportServerThreadSupport | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Listening for connections at: tcp://davsclaus.lan:61616 2012-05-05 08:52:06,937 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportConnector | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Connector openwire Started 2012-05-05 08:52:06,938 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (default, ID:davsclaus.lan-62181-1336200726808-0:1) started 2012-05-05 08:52:06,938 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Broker default has started. 2012-05-05 08:52:10,701 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq-camel 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:10,701 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature activemq 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:10,703 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec [103] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,704 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,706 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,707 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec [105] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,708 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.pool [106] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,709 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.collections [107] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,710 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang [108] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,711 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-codec [109] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,712 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.oro [110] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,713 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.velocity [111] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,715 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jasypt [112] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,716 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 [113] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,717 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xpp3 [114] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,718 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.joda-time [115] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,719 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jdom [116] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,720 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dom4j [117] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,721 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream [118] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,722 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,728 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-core [120] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,729 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.kahadb [121] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,730 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-console [122] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,731 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra [123] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,732 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.activemq.activemq-pool [124] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,734 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: activemq-karaf [125] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,735 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.aries.transaction.manager [119] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,735 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel-jms 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:10,735 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:10,736 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,737 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,738 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,740 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,741 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,742 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,744 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,745 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,745 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-jms 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:10,745 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring-web 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:10,746 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:10,747 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,748 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,749 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,750 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,751 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,752 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,755 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,756 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,756 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature http 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:10,756 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature jetty 7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:52:10,757 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,758 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec [64] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,759 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: javax.mail [65] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,760 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,761 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.util [67] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,762 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [68] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,763 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.http [69] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,765 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.client [70] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,766 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.continuation [71] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,767 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jmx [72] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,768 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.server [73] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,769 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [74] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,770 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlet [75] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,771 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.servlets [76] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,772 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.xml [77] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,774 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.webapp [78] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,775 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.jndi [79] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,776 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [80] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,777 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket [81] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,777 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Checking configuration file mvn:org.apache.karaf/apache-karaf/2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054/xml/jettyconfig 2012-05-05 08:52:10,778 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | configFile already exist, don't override it 2012-05-05 08:52:10,779 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-api [82] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,780 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-spi [83] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,781 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime [84] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,782 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty [85] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,786 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.web [151] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,792 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.web.servlet [152] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,793 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,794 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,797 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.jms [153] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,799 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.transaction [149] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,799 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature camel-core 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:10,799 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature spring 3.0.7.RELEASE 2012-05-05 08:52:10,800 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aopalliance [90] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,801 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.core [91] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,802 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.asm [92] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,803 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.expression [93] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,804 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.beans [94] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,805 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.aop [95] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,808 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.springframework.context [96] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,809 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: [97] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,809 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing feature xml-specs-api 2.0.0.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:10,810 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1 [63] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,811 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0 [142] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,812 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2 [143] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,813 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: stax2-api [144] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,814 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: woodstox-core-asl [145] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,816 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl [146] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,820 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.camel.camel-core [147] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,822 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-karaf-commands [148] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,823 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jta_1.1_spec [66] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,825 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.commons.pool [154] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,826 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jms_1.1_spec [104] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,830 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Found installed bundle: org.apache.camel.camel-jms [155] 2012-05-05 08:52:10,850 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Installing bundle mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-camel/5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 2012-05-05 08:52:10,872 | INFO | l Console Thread | FeaturesServiceImpl | 15 - org.apache.karaf.features.core - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Bundles to refresh: 2012-05-05 08:52:24,013 | INFO | l Console Thread | LogoutAction | 16 - - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Disconnecting from current session... 2012-05-05 08:52:24,018 | INFO | FelixShutdown | ContextLoaderListener | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Stopping [org.springframework.osgi.extender] bundle v.[1.2.1] 2012-05-05 08:52:24,030 | INFO | FelixShutdown | TimerTaskExecutor | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Cancelling Timer 2012-05-05 08:52:24,074 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Unbinding bundle: [org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console [141]] 2012-05-05 08:52:24,076 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | /activemqweb | - - | Destroying Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher' 2012-05-05 08:52:24,076 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Closing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'dispatcher-servlet': startup date [Sat May 05 08:52:04 CEST 2012]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext 2012-05-05 08:52:24,079 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Destroying singletons in defining beans [handlerMapping,/createDestination.action,/deleteDestination.action,/createSubscriber.action,/deleteSubscriber.action,/sendMessage.action,/purgeDestination.action,/deleteMessage.action,/copyMessage.action,/moveMessage.action,/deleteJob.action,exceptionResolver]; parent: 2012-05-05 08:52:24,080 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Closing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Sat May 05 08:52:04 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:24,080 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Destroying singletons in defining beans [queueBrowser,messageQuery,queueConsumerQuery,connectionQuery,placeholderConfig,sessionPool,configuration,brokerQuery,connectionFactory]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:24,081 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ContextHandler | - - | stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.war.internal.WebAppWebContainerContext@7bf83b8a} 2012-05-05 08:52:24,100 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Broker default is being stopped. 2012-05-05 08:52:24,100 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ Message Broker (default, ID:davsclaus.lan-62181-1336200726808-0:1) is shutting down 2012-05-05 08:52:24,947 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | TransportConnector | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Connector openwire Stopped 2012-05-05 08:52:24,952 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | PListStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | PListStore:[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/default/tmp_storage ] stopped 2012-05-05 08:52:24,952 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KahaDBStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Stopping async queue tasks 2012-05-05 08:52:24,952 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KahaDBStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Stopping async topic tasks 2012-05-05 08:52:24,952 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KahaDBStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Stopped KahaDB 2012-05-05 08:52:25,342 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (default, ID:davsclaus.lan-62181-1336200726808-0:1) stopped 2012-05-05 08:52:25,342 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ActiveMQServiceFactory$$anon$1 | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Closing$$anon$1@6bd26ddd: startup date [Sat May 05 08:52:06 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:25,343 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Destroying singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:52:25,365 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | JettyServerWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | ServletContext service already removed 2012-05-05 08:52:25,366 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ContextHandler | - - | stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]}} 2012-05-05 08:52:25,366 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | JettyServerWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | ServletContext service already removed 2012-05-05 08:52:25,366 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ContextHandler | - - | stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.fusesource.fabric.maven.impl.SecureHttpContext@3af75dd} 2012-05-05 08:52:25,367 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Unbinding bundle: [org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]] 2012-05-05 08:52:25,367 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | JettyServerWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | ServletContext service already removed 2012-05-05 08:52:25,367 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | JettyServerWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | ServletContext service already removed 2012-05-05 08:52:25,381 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 147 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 | Camel activator stopping 2012-05-05 08:52:25,383 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 147 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 | Camel activator stopped 2012-05-05 08:52:25,391 | INFO | ispatcher thread | OsgiZkClient | 42 - org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-zookeeper - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | StateChangeDispatcher terminated. 2012-05-05 08:52:25,429 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ContextHandler | - - | stopped HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]}} 2012-05-05 08:52:25,481 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Unbinding bundle: [org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]] 2012-05-05 08:52:25,482 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Pax Web stopped 2012-05-05 08:52:25,544 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KarArtifactInstaller | 30 - org.apache.karaf.deployer.kar - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Karaf archive installer destroyed. 2012-05-05 08:52:25,550 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | jmx | 25 - org.apache.aries.jmx - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Stopping JMX OSGi agent 2012-05-05 08:52:25,550 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | jmx | 25 - org.apache.aries.jmx - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Unregistering MBean with ObjectName [osgi.compendium:service=cm,version=1.3] for service with [11] 2012-05-05 08:52:25,551 | INFO | JMX OSGi Agent | jmx | 25 - org.apache.aries.jmx - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Unregistering org.osgi.jmx.framework.FrameworkMBean to MBeanServer com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer@446b7920 with name osgi.core:type=framework,version=1.5 2012-05-05 08:52:25,586 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 4 - org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api - 1.6.6 | Disabling SLF4J API support. 2012-05-05 08:52:25,586 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 4 - org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api - 1.6.6 | Disabling Jakarta Commons Logging API support. 2012-05-05 08:52:25,586 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 4 - org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api - 1.6.6 | Disabling Log4J API support. 2012-05-05 08:52:25,586 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 4 - org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api - 1.6.6 | Disabling Avalon Logger API support. 2012-05-05 08:52:25,586 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | Activator | 4 - org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api - 1.6.6 | Disabling JULI Logger API support. May 5, 2012 8:55:25 AM org.apache.karaf.main.SimpleFileLock lock INFO: locking 2012-05-05 08:55:25,595 | INFO | a-7-054-thread-1 | BlueprintExtender | 8 - org.apache.aries.blueprint - 0.3.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | No quiesce support is available, so blueprint components will not participate in quiesce operations 2012-05-05 08:55:27,211 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KarArtifactInstaller | 30 - org.apache.karaf.deployer.kar - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Karaf archives will be extracted to /opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/system 2012-05-05 08:55:27,211 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | KarArtifactInstaller | 30 - org.apache.karaf.deployer.kar - 2.2.5.fuse-beta-7-054 | Timestamps for Karaf archives will be extracted to /opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/system/.timestamps 2012-05-05 08:55:27,314 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | SecurityUtils | 24 - sshd-core - 0.5.0 | BouncyCastle not registered, using the default JCE provider 2012-05-05 08:55:28,860 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | Activator | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Pax Web started 2012-05-05 08:55:28,937 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-1 | Server | - - | jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:55:28,974 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-1 | JettyServerImpl | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Pax Web available at []:[8080] 2012-05-05 08:55:28,984 | INFO | y-1.0.8-thread-1 | AbstractConnector | - - | Started NIOSocketConnectorWrapper@ STARTING 2012-05-05 08:55:29,092 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-1 | ContextLoaderListener | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Starting [org.springframework.osgi.extender] bundle v.[1.2.1] 2012-05-05 08:55:29,141 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | Server | - - | jetty-7.5.4.v20111024 2012-05-05 08:55:29,148 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | AbstractConnector | - - | Started SelectChannelConnector@ STARTING 2012-05-05 08:55:29,149 | INFO | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | JettyServerImpl | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Pax Web available at []:[8181] 2012-05-05 08:55:29,149 | WARN | e-1.0.8-thread-1 | NIOSocketConnectorWrapper | 85 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jetty - 1.0.8 | Connection on port 8181 cannot be open. Reason: Address already in use 2012-05-05 08:55:29,251 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-1 | ExtenderConfiguration | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | No custom extender configuration detected; using defaults... 2012-05-05 08:55:29,258 | INFO | r-1.2.1-thread-1 | TimerTaskExecutor | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Initializing Timer 2012-05-05 08:55:29,748 | INFO | d-1.0.8-thread-1 | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:55:29,862 | INFO | d-1.0.8-thread-1 | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.apache.karaf.deployer.features [20]}} 2012-05-05 08:55:30,223 | INFO | ispatcher thread | OsgiZkClient | 42 - org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-zookeeper - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Starting StateChangeDispatcher 2012-05-05 08:55:31,089 | INFO | a-7-054-thread-1 | Activator | 147 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 | Camel activator starting 2012-05-05 08:55:31,153 | INFO | a-7-054-thread-1 | Activator | 147 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.9.0.fuse-beta-7-054 | Camel activator started 2012-05-05 08:55:31,540 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:55:31,543 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=DefaultHttpContext{bundle=org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-maven-proxy [86]}} 2012-05-05 08:55:31,549 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.fusesource.fabric.maven.impl.SecureHttpContext@240fda77} 2012-05-05 08:55:32,270 | WARN | FelixStartLevel | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/JournalEventListener 2012-05-05 08:55:32,288 | WARN | FelixStartLevel | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:55:32,340 | WARN | FelixStartLevel | XBeanNamespaceHandler | 131 - org.apache.xbean.blueprint - 3.9.0 | Could not load class: due to org/apache/activeio/journal/active/JournalLockedException 2012-05-05 08:55:32,364 | WARN | FelixStartLevel | NamespaceManager | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Bundle activemq-ra (org.apache.activemq.activemq-ra) cannot see class [org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.NamespaceHandlerResolver]; ignoring its namespace handlers 2012-05-05 08:55:32,917 | INFO | eta-054-thread-1 | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Standalone broker default is starting. 2012-05-05 08:55:32,967 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory$$anon$1 | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Refreshing$$anon$1@2e6ee035: startup date [Sat May 05 08:55:32 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:55:32,975 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | WebXmlObserver | 137 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war - 1.0.8 | Using [activemqweb] as web application context name 2012-05-05 08:55:32,976 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | WebXmlObserver | 137 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-extender-war - 1.0.8 | Using [] as web application root path 2012-05-05 08:55:33,021 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | HttpServiceFactoryImpl | 84 - org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime - 1.0.8 | Binding bundle: [org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console [141]] to http service 2012-05-05 08:55:33,029 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | ContextHandler | - - | started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.war.internal.WebAppWebContainerContext@44f53eb} 2012-05-05 08:55:33,035 | INFO | Broker: default | XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Loading XML bean definitions from file [/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/etc/activemq.xml] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,244 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Sat May 05 08:55:33 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:55:33,264 | INFO | Broker: default | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer#0,org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:55:33,337 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-properties.xml] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,408 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/webconsole-query.xml] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,441 | INFO | Broker: default | PListStore | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | PListStore:[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/default/tmp_storage ] started 2012-05-05 08:55:33,585 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Using Persistence Adapter: KahaDBPersistenceAdapter[/opt/fuse-mq-7.0.0.fuse-beta-054/data/activemq/kahadb] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,630 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [queueBrowser,messageQuery,queueConsumerQuery,connectionQuery,placeholderConfig,sessionPool,configuration,brokerQuery,connectionFactory]; root of factory hierarchy 2012-05-05 08:55:33,760 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | WebConsoleStarter | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ WebConsole initialized. 2012-05-05 08:55:33,941 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | /activemqweb | - - | Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher' 2012-05-05 08:55:33,942 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization started 2012-05-05 08:55:33,944 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | XmlWebApplicationContext | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Refreshing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'dispatcher-servlet': startup date [Sat May 05 08:55:33 CEST 2012]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext 2012-05-05 08:55:33,945 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,981 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | DefaultListableBeanFactory | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [handlerMapping,/createDestination.action,/deleteDestination.action,/createSubscriber.action,/deleteSubscriber.action,/sendMessage.action,/purgeDestination.action,/deleteMessage.action,/copyMessage.action,/moveMessage.action,/deleteJob.action,exceptionResolver]; parent: 2012-05-05 08:55:33,993 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createDestination.action] onto handler [/createDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteDestination.action] onto handler [/deleteDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/createSubscriber.action] onto handler [/createSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteSubscriber.action] onto handler [/deleteSubscriber.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/sendMessage.action] onto handler [/sendMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/purgeDestination.action] onto handler [/purgeDestination.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteMessage.action] onto handler [/deleteMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/copyMessage.action] onto handler [/copyMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/moveMessage.action] onto handler [/moveMessage.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:33,994 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Mapped URL path [/deleteJob.action] onto handler [/deleteJob.action] 2012-05-05 08:55:34,109 | INFO | FelixStartLevel | DispatcherServlet | 141 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-web-console - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization completed in 167 ms 2012-05-05 08:55:34,993 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | KahaDB is version 4 2012-05-05 08:55:35,005 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Recovering from the journal ... 2012-05-05 08:55:35,006 | INFO | Broker: default | MessageDatabase | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Recovery replayed 1 operations from the journal in 0.0080 seconds. 2012-05-05 08:55:35,024 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 JMS Message Broker (default) is starting 2012-05-05 08:55:35,024 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | For help or more information please see: 2012-05-05 08:55:35,220 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportServerThreadSupport | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Listening for connections at: tcp://davsclaus.lan:61616 2012-05-05 08:55:35,221 | INFO | Broker: default | TransportConnector | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | Connector openwire Started 2012-05-05 08:55:35,222 | INFO | Broker: default | BrokerService | 120 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-core - 5.5.1.fuse-beta-7-054 | ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (default, ID:davsclaus.lan-62245-1336200935032-0:1) started 2012-05-05 08:55:35,222 | INFO | Broker: default | ActiveMQServiceFactory | 133 - - 7.0.0.fuse-beta-054 | Broker default has started. 2012-05-05 09:01:27,214 | INFO | l Console Thread | ultOsgiApplicationContextCreator | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Discovered configurations {osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml} in bundle [null (null)] 2012-05-05 09:01:27,228 | INFO | ExtenderThread-1 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Refreshing OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=null, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml): startup date [Sat May 05 09:01:27 CEST 2012]; root of context hierarchy 2012-05-05 09:01:27,228 | INFO | ExtenderThread-1 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext | 96 - org.springframework.context - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Application Context service already unpublished 2012-05-05 09:01:27,239 | INFO | ExtenderThread-1 | XmlBeanDefinitionReader | 94 - org.springframework.beans - 3.0.7.RELEASE | Loading XML bean definitions from URL [bundle://157.0:0/META-INF/spring/camel-context.xml] 2012-05-05 09:01:27,465 | ERROR | ExtenderThread-1 | ContextLoaderListener | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Application context refresh failed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=null, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)) org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to load type: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.getBeanInfo([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.getPropertyDescriptor([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.tryParseNestedPropertyViaIntrospection([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.addNestedPropertyElements([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parseBeanFromExtensionElement([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parseBeanFromExtensionElement([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parse([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parse([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.parseBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.registerBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.registerBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.doLoadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[96:org.springframework.context:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[96:org.springframework.context:3.0.7.RELEASE] at$800([100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at$[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.util.internal.PrivilegedUtils.executeWithCustomTCCL([100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor.stageOne([101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor.refresh([101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.activator.ContextLoaderListener$[101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at[:1.6.0_31] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass([:1.6.0_31] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.loadClass([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.getBeanInfo([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] ... 31 more 2012-05-05 09:01:27,486 | ERROR | ExtenderThread-1 | WaiterApplicationContextExecutor | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Unable to create application context for [null], unsatisfied dependencies: none org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to load type: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.getBeanInfo([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.getPropertyDescriptor([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.tryParseNestedPropertyViaIntrospection([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.addNestedPropertyElements([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parseBeanFromExtensionElement([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parseBeanFromExtensionElement([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parse([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parse([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.parseBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.registerBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.registerBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.doLoadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[96:org.springframework.context:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[96:org.springframework.context:3.0.7.RELEASE] at$800([100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at$[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.util.internal.PrivilegedUtils.executeWithCustomTCCL([100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor.stageOne([101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor.refresh([101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.activator.ContextLoaderListener$[101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at[:1.6.0_31] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass([:1.6.0_31] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.loadClass([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.getBeanInfo([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] ... 31 more 2012-05-05 09:01:27,488 | ERROR | ExtenderThread-1 | ContextLoaderListener | 101 - org.springframework.osgi.extender - 1.2.1 | Application context refresh failed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=null, config=osgibundle:/META-INF/spring/*.xml)) org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to load type: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126]; nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.getBeanInfo([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.getPropertyDescriptor([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.tryParseNestedPropertyViaIntrospection([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.addNestedPropertyElements([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parseBeanFromExtensionElement([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parseBeanFromExtensionElement([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parse([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2.XBeanNamespaceHandler.parse([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.parseBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.registerBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.registerBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.doLoadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions([94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[94:org.springframework.beans:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[96:org.springframework.context:3.0.7.RELEASE] at[96:org.springframework.context:3.0.7.RELEASE] at$800([100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at$[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.util.internal.PrivilegedUtils.executeWithCustomTCCL([100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor.stageOne([101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.dependencies.startup.DependencyWaiterApplicationContextExecutor.refresh([101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at[100:org.springframework.osgi.core:1.2.1] at org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.activator.ContextLoaderListener$[101:org.springframework.osgi.extender:1.2.1] at[:1.6.0_31] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService not found by org.apache.xbean.spring [126] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.fuse-beta-7-054.jar:] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass([:1.6.0_31] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.loadClass([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] at org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2c.XBeanQNameHelper.getBeanInfo([126:org.apache.xbean.spring:3.9.0] ... 31 more