2011-12-05 04:28:47.620 [FINE] - REPL: Replication service activated 2011-12-05 04:28:47.643 [INFO] - REPL: Bind interface: eth5[/ [/], / [/]], Replica Id: b11b72ea3e7a 2011-12-05 04:28:47.662 [INFO] - REPL: Pinging NIC eth5 2011-12-05 04:28:48.314 [INFO] - REPL: NIC monitor Socket[addr=/,port=58329,localport=58326] on eth5[/ [/], / [/]] 2011-12-05 04:28:48.314 [INFO] - REPL: Building replication channel 2011-12-05 04:28:48.750 [INFO] - REPL: Initial transaction count and last sent incremental update id for b11b72ea3e7a: 86984, 9a1df0d3-1f5b-11e1-b391-7e8316e43765 2011-12-05 04:28:49.339 [INFO] - REPL: Final JGroups protocol stack: 2011-12-05 04:28:49.396 [FINE] - ClassConfigurator: Using jg-magic-map.xml as magic number file and jg-protocol-ids.xml for protocol IDs 2011-12-05 04:28:49.493 [INFO] - JChannel: JGroups version: 2.12.2.Final 2011-12-05 04:28:49.588 [FINE] - GMS: changed role to org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.ClientGmsImpl 2011-12-05 04:28:49.700 [FINE] - FRAG2: received CONFIG event: {bind_addr=/} 2011-12-05 04:28:51.957 [FINE] - FRAG2: received CONFIG event: {flush_supported=true} 2011-12-05 04:28:51.957 [FINE] - UDP: creating sockets 2011-12-05 04:28:51.957 [FINE] - UDP: sockets will use interface 2011-12-05 04:28:51.972 [FINE] - UDP: socket information: , mcast_addr=, bind_addr=/, ttl=10 sock: bound to, receive buffer size=20000000, send buffer size=640000 mcast_sock: bound to, send buffer size=640000, receive buffer size=25000000 2011-12-05 04:28:51.988 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-05 04:28:51.988 [FINE] - UDP: created unicast receiver thread 2011-12-05 04:28:51.988 [FINE] - UDP: created multicast receiver thread 2011-12-05 04:28:53.990 [FINE] - GMS: initial_mbrs are [] 2011-12-05 04:28:53.990 [FINE] - GMS: no initial members discovered: creating group as first member 2011-12-05 04:28:53.996 [FINE] - NAKACK: [setDigest()] existing digest: [] new digest: A-20274: [0 : 0 (0)] resulting digest: A-20274: [0 : 0 (0)] 2011-12-05 04:28:53.996 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|0] [A-20274] 2011-12-05 04:28:53.997 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274] 2011-12-05 04:28:53.998 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 4MB (1 members) 2011-12-05 04:28:53.999 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|0] [A-20274] 2011-12-05 04:28:53.999 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|0] [A-20274] 2011-12-05 04:28:53.999 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-05 04:28:54.000 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-05 04:28:54.000 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: 2011-12-05 04:28:54.000 [FINE] - GMS: created group (first member). My view is [A-20274|0], impl is org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.CoordGmsImpl 2011-12-05 04:28:54.001 [INFO] - REPL: Monitoring Socket[addr=/,port=58329,localport=58326] for connection reset ... Normal operations (nothing to report) ... 2011-12-06 04:09:28.545 [FINE] - REPL: Fetched 1 incremental updates [ab9a30ef-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752] newLastId=ab9a30ef-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752 sentUpdts=88372 2011-12-06 04:09:28.556 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER: Outgoing INCREMENTAL synchronization (1348) Adding transaction ab9a30ef-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752[timestamp=2011-12-06T16:09:26.774,numEnts=7] 2011-12-06 04:09:29.915 [FINE] - REPL: Fetched 1 incremental updates [acbe7950-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752] newLastId=acbe7950-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752 sentUpdts=88373 2011-12-06 04:09:29.916 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER: Outgoing INCREMENTAL synchronization (1349) Adding transaction acbe7950-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752[timestamp=2011-12-06T16:09:28.690,numEnts=7] 2011-12-06 04:09:34.690 [FINE] - REPL: Fetched 1 incremental updates [af8d2e37-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752] newLastId=af8d2e37-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752 sentUpdts=88374 2011-12-06 04:09:34.691 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER: Outgoing INCREMENTAL synchronization (1350) Adding transaction af8d2e37-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752[timestamp=2011-12-06T16:09:33.400,numEnts=7] 2011-12-06 04:10:14.509 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:16.010 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:16.010 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:16.010 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:16.060 [FINE] - GMS: new=[], suspected=[C-27343], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|3] [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:16.060 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:16.060 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:10:16.060 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:16.060 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:10:18.061 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:18.061 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:10:19.509 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:20.702 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:20.702 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:10:20.702 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:20.702 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:10:21.009 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {A-20274=B-36404: [815 : 819 (819)], A-20274: [1988 : 2070 (2070)], C-27343: [707 : 708 (708)]}, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:21.009 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:21.009 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:22.411 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-27343 for 10656 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:10:22.411 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:22.703 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:22.703 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:10:23.911 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:23.911 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:23.911 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:24.515 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:25.227 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:25.227 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:10:25.227 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:25.227 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:10:25.412 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-27343 for 13657 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:10:25.412 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:26.309 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {A-20274=B-36404: [815 : 819 (819)], A-20274: [1988 : 2071 (2071)], C-27343: [707 : 708 (708)]}, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:26.309 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:26.309 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:27.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:27.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:10:28.412 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-27343 for 16657 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:10:28.412 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:29.524 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:29.912 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:29.912 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:29.912 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:30.451 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:30.451 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:10:30.451 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:30.451 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:10:31.413 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-27343 for 19658 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:10:31.413 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:32.452 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:32.452 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:10:32.913 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:32.913 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:32.913 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:33.930 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:10:33.930 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|3] [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:33.931 [FINE] - NAKACK: removed C-27343 from xmit_table (not member anymore) 2011-12-06 04:10:33.931 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:33.931 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 8MB (2 members) 2011-12-06 04:10:33.932 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|3] [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:33.932 [INFO] - REPL: Member left: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:33.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|3] [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:34.531 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:35.932 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: failed to collect all ACKs (expected=2) for view [A-20274|3] [A-20274, B-36404] after 2000ms, missing ACKs from [B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:35.932 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:10:35.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:10:35.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:10:35.932 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:10:36.032 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:36.032 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:36.032 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:39.539 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:41.039 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:41.039 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:41.039 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:44.547 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:46.048 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:46.048 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:46.048 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:49.555 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:49.625 [FINE] - MERGE2: A-20274 found different views : [A-20274|3], [A-20274|2]; sending up MERGE event with merge participants [A-20274, C-27343]. Discovery results: [B-36404]: coord=A-20274 [A-20274]: coord=A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:49.625 [FINE] - GMS: determining merge leader from [A-20274, C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:49.625 [FINE] - GMS: I (A-20274) will be the leader. Starting the merge task for [A-20274, C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:49.626 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending MERGE_REQ to [A-20274, C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:49.627 [FINE] - STABLE: suspending message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:10:49.627 [FINE] - STABLE: resume task started, max_suspend_time=200000 2011-12-06 04:10:49.628 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: got merge request from A-20274, merge_id=A-20274::1, mbrs=[A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:49.628 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:49.628 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:10:49.628 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:49.629 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:10:51.055 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {A-20274=B-36404: [815 : 820 (820)], A-20274: [1988 : 2075 (2075)]}, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:51.055 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:51.055 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:51.629 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:51.629 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:10:52.682 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:52.682 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:10:52.682 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:52.682 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:10:52.928 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:10:54.563 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: collected 2 merge response(s) in 5002 ms 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: merge leader did not get data from all partition coordinators [A-20274, C-27343], merge is cancelled 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending cancel merge to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending cancel merge to C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: merge leader completed merge task 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:10:54.628 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:10:54.629 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:10:54.629 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:10:54.629 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: merge A-20274::1 is cancelled 2011-12-06 04:10:54.629 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:10:54.683 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:54.683 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:10:56.064 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:10:56.064 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:56.064 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:10:57.932 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:10:59.571 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:10:59.584 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:10:59.584 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:10:59.584 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:10:59.584 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:01.107 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {A-20274=B-36404: [815 : 820 (820)], A-20274: [1988 : 2079 (2079)]}, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:01.107 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:01.107 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:01.585 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:01.585 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:11:03.457 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:03.457 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:11:03.457 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:11:03.457 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:03.734 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:04.578 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:05.458 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:05.458 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:11:06.078 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:06.078 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:06.078 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:06.986 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:11:06.986 [FINE] - GMS: merge response=GmsHeader[MERGE_RSP]: view=null, digest=null, merge_id=A-20274::1, merge_rejected=true 2011-12-06 04:11:06.986 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: flush failed; sending merge rejected message to A-20274, merge_id=A-20274::1 2011-12-06 04:11:07.002 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: got merge response from A-20274, merge_id=A-20274::1, merge data is sender=A-20274 (merge_rejected) 2011-12-06 04:11:07.002 [SEVERE] - GMS: A-20274: this.merge_id (null) is different from merge_id (A-20274::1) 2011-12-06 04:11:08.780 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:09.586 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:11.086 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:11.086 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:11.086 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:14.550 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:14.594 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:16.094 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:16.094 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:16.094 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:19.589 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:19.602 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:21.102 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:21.102 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:21.102 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:24.610 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:24.610 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:26.110 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:26.110 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:26.110 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:29.617 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:29.618 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:31.118 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:31.118 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:31.118 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:34.581 [FINE] - MERGE2: A-20274 found different views : [A-20274|3], [A-20274|2]; sending up MERGE event with merge participants [A-20274, C-27343]. Discovery results: [B-36404]: coord=A-20274 [A-20274]: coord=A-20274 2011-12-06 04:11:34.581 [FINE] - GMS: determining merge leader from [A-20274, C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:34.581 [FINE] - GMS: I (A-20274) will be the leader. Starting the merge task for [A-20274, C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:34.581 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending MERGE_REQ to [A-20274, C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:34.581 [FINE] - STABLE: suspending message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:11:34.582 [FINE] - STABLE: resume task started, max_suspend_time=200000 2011-12-06 04:11:34.582 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: got merge request from A-20274, merge_id=A-20274::2, mbrs=[A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:34.582 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:34.582 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:11:34.582 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:11:34.583 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:34.626 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343] 2011-12-06 04:11:34.626 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:35.924 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: peer B-36404 closed socket (java.net.SocketException) 2011-12-06 04:11:35.924 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting B-36404 (own address is A-20274) 2011-12-06 04:11:35.924 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:35.925 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is null, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:36.126 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-27343, completed false, flushOkSet {A-20274=B-36404: [815 : 820 (820)], A-20274: [1988 : 2082 (2082)]}, flushMembers [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:36.126 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:36.126 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:36.583 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:36.583 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:11:37.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-36404, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:37.425 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-36404 2011-12-06 04:11:37.425 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-36404 2011-12-06 04:11:38.535 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:38.535 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:11:38.535 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:11:38.535 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:38.535 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: collected 2 merge response(s) in 5001 ms 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: merge leader did not get data from all partition coordinators [A-20274, C-27343], merge is cancelled 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending cancel merge to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending cancel merge to C-27343 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: merge leader completed merge task 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:11:39.582 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:11:39.583 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: merge A-20274::2 is cancelled 2011-12-06 04:11:39.583 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:11:39.583 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:11:39.758 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-27343, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:11:40.926 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [C-27343, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:41.036 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: fetched incomplete digests (after timeout of 2500) ms for [A-20274, B-36404] 2011-12-06 04:11:41.036 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending merge response=GmsHeader[MERGE_RSP]: view=[A-20274|3] [A-20274, B-36404], digest=A-20274: [1988 : 2083 (2084)], merge_id=A-20274::2 2011-12-06 04:11:41.036 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: got merge response from A-20274, merge_id=A-20274::2, merge data is sender=A-20274, view=[A-20274|3] [A-20274, B-36404], digest=A-20274: [1988 : 2083 (2084)] 2011-12-06 04:11:41.036 [SEVERE] - GMS: A-20274: this.merge_id (null) is different from merge_id (A-20274::2) 2011-12-06 04:11:42.426 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-36404, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.426 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-36404 2011-12-06 04:11:42.426 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-36404 2011-12-06 04:11:42.476 [FINE] - GMS: new=[], suspected=[B-36404], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|4] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.476 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.476 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:11:42.476 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:11:42.476 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.476 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:11:42.477 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|4] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.477 [FINE] - NAKACK: removed B-36404 from xmit_table (not member anymore) 2011-12-06 04:11:42.477 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.477 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 4MB (1 members) 2011-12-06 04:11:42.477 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|4] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.477 [INFO] - REPL: Member left: B-36404 2011-12-06 04:11:42.477 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|4] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:11:42.478 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:11:42.478 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:11:42.478 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:11:42.478 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:11:49.628 [FINE] - UNICAST: removing connection to C-27343 because it expired 2011-12-06 04:14:34.030 [FINE] - GMS: new=[B-35601], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|5] [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.030 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.030 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:14:34.030 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:14:34.030 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.031 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:14:34.031 [FINE] - STABLE: suspending message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:14:34.031 [FINE] - STABLE: resume task started, max_suspend_time=33000 2011-12-06 04:14:34.031 [FINE] - NAKACK: [setDigest()] existing digest: A-20274: [2090 : 2095 (2095)] new digest: B-35601: [0 : 0], A-20274: [2090 : 2094 (2094)] resulting digest: B-35601: [0 : 0 (0)], A-20274: [2090 : 2095 (2095)] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.031 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|5] [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.031 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.031 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is B-35601, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.032 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 8MB (2 members) 2011-12-06 04:14:34.032 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|5] [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.032 [INFO] - REPL: Member joined: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:14:34.032 [INFO] - REPL: B-35601[UNSYNCED]: setting state to IN_PROGRESS 2011-12-06 04:14:34.032 [FINE] - REPL: Session snapshot: [B-35601[IN_PROGRESS]] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.032 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|5] [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:14:34.057 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:14:34.059 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: Responding to state requester B-35601 with address and digest null 2011-12-06 04:14:34.063 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: StateProviderThreadSpawner listening at 2011-12-06 04:14:34.063 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: Accepted request for state transfer from / handing of to PooledExecutor thread 2011-12-06 04:14:34.063 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: Running on Thread[STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER-sender-3,A-20274,5,JGroups]. Accepted request for state transfer from /, original buffer size was 8192 and was reset to 16384, passing outputstream up... 2011-12-06 04:14:36.291 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER_COORD: Wrote state (21527 bytes) in 2026 milliseconds 2011-12-06 04:14:36.291 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: State writer is closing the socket 2011-12-06 04:14:43.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:14:43.042 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:14:43.681 [FINE] - REPL: Incoming message: src=B-35601, dest=ALL, size=5 2011-12-06 04:14:43.683 [INFO] - REPL: Received BatchSynchronization[numEnts=0] from MASTER@B-35601 2011-12-06 04:14:43.683 [INFO] - REPL: B-35601[IN_PROGRESS]: setting state to SYNCED 2011-12-06 04:14:43.683 [FINE] - REPL: Session snapshot: [B-35601[SYNCED]] 2011-12-06 04:16:15.123 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|6] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:16:15.123 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:15.123 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:16:15.123 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:15.123 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:17.124 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:17.124 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:19.224 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:19.224 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:19.224 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:19.224 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:21.225 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:21.225 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:25.769 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:25.769 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:25.769 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:25.769 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:27.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:27.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:31.873 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:31.873 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:31.873 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:31.873 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:33.874 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:33.874 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:37.576 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:16:37.576 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:16:37.576 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|7] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:16:37.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:37.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:37.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:37.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:39.577 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:39.577 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:41.898 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:41.898 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:41.898 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:41.898 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:43.899 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:43.899 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:45.275 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:45.275 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:45.275 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:45.275 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:47.276 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:47.276 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:48.556 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:48.556 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:48.556 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:48.556 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:50.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:50.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:54.103 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:16:54.103 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:16:54.103 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|8] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:16:54.103 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:54.103 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:54.103 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:54.104 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:16:56.104 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:56.104 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:16:59.386 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:16:59.386 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:16:59.386 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:16:59.386 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:01.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:01.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:03.604 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:03.604 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:03.604 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:03.604 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:05.606 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:05.606 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:09.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:09.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:09.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:09.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:11.611 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:11.611 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:15.958 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:17:15.958 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:17:15.958 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|9] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:17:15.958 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:15.958 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:15.958 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:15.958 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:17.959 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:17.959 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:20.863 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:20.863 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:20.863 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:20.863 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:22.864 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:22.864 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:26.198 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:26.198 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:26.198 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:26.198 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:28.199 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:28.199 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:30.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:30.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:30.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:30.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:32.639 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:32.639 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:36.152 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:17:36.152 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:17:36.152 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|10] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:17:36.152 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:36.152 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:36.152 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:36.152 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:38.153 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:38.153 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:43.135 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:43.135 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:43.135 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:43.135 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:45.137 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:45.137 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:46.625 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:46.625 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:46.625 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:46.625 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:48.626 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:48.626 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:51.020 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:51.020 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:51.020 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:51.020 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:53.021 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:53.021 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:17:57.253 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:17:57.253 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:17:57.253 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|11] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:17:57.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:57.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:17:57.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:17:57.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:17:59.254 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:17:59.254 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:02.111 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:02.111 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:02.111 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:02.111 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:04.113 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:04.113 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:05.406 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:05.406 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:05.406 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:05.406 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:07.407 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:07.407 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:09.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:09.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:09.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:09.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:11.470 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:11.470 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:14.372 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:18:14.372 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:18:14.372 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|12] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:18:14.372 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:14.372 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:14.372 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:14.373 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:16.373 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:16.373 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:19.245 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:19.245 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:19.245 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:19.245 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:21.246 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:21.246 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:26.172 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:26.172 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:26.172 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:26.172 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:28.173 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:28.173 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:31.472 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:31.472 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:31.472 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:31.472 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:33.473 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:33.473 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:35.066 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:18:35.066 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:18:35.066 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|13] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:18:35.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:35.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:35.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:35.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:37.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:37.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:41.305 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:41.305 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:41.305 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:41.305 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:43.306 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:43.306 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:47.086 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:47.086 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:47.086 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:47.086 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:49.087 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:49.087 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:54.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:54.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:54.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:54.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:18:56.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:56.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:18:59.626 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:18:59.626 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:18:59.626 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|14] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:18:59.626 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:18:59.626 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:18:59.626 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:18:59.626 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:01.627 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:01.627 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:05.546 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:05.546 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:05.546 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:05.546 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:07.547 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:07.547 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:11.228 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:11.228 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:11.228 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:11.228 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:13.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:13.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:15.437 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:15.437 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:15.437 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:15.437 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:17.438 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:17.438 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:21.085 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:19:21.085 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:19:21.085 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|15] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:19:21.085 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:21.085 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:21.085 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:21.085 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:23.086 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:23.086 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:27.359 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:27.359 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:27.359 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:27.359 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:29.360 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:29.360 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:33.126 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:33.126 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:33.126 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:33.126 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:35.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:35.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:38.477 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:38.477 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:38.477 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:38.477 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:40.478 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:40.478 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:42.659 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:19:42.659 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:19:42.659 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|16] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:19:42.659 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:42.659 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:42.659 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:42.659 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:44.661 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:44.661 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:47.862 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:47.862 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:47.862 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:47.862 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:49.863 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:49.863 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:52.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:52.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:52.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:52.469 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:54.471 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:54.471 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:19:57.644 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:57.644 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:19:57.644 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:19:57.644 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:19:59.645 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:19:59.645 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:02.493 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:20:02.493 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:20:02.493 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|17] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:20:02.493 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:02.493 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:02.493 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:02.493 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:04.495 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:04.495 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:07.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:07.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:09.621 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:09.621 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:09.621 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:09.621 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:11.622 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:11.622 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:15.180 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:15.180 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:15.180 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:15.180 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:17.181 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:17.181 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:20.575 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:20:20.575 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:20:20.575 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|18] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:20:20.575 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:20.575 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:20.575 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:20.575 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:22.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:22.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:23.716 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:23.716 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:23.716 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:23.716 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:25.718 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:25.718 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:28.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:28.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:28.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:28.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:30.043 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:30.043 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:34.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:34.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:34.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:34.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:36.559 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:36.559 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:41.186 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:20:41.186 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:20:41.186 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|19] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:20:41.186 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:41.186 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:41.186 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:41.186 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:43.187 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:43.187 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:47.438 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:47.438 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:47.438 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:47.438 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:49.439 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:49.439 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:53.880 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:53.880 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:53.880 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:53.880 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:55.882 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:55.882 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:20:57.490 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:57.490 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:20:57.490 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:20:57.490 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:20:59.491 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:20:59.491 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:02.569 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:21:02.569 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:21:02.569 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|20] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:21:02.569 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:02.569 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:02.569 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:02.569 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:04.571 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:04.571 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:09.279 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:09.279 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:09.279 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:09.279 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:11.280 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:11.280 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:15.978 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:15.978 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:15.978 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:15.978 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:17.979 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:17.979 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:22.512 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:22.512 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:22.512 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:22.512 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:24.514 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:24.514 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:26.839 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:21:26.839 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:21:26.839 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|21] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:21:26.839 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:26.839 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:26.839 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:26.839 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:28.840 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:28.840 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:31.723 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:31.723 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:31.723 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:31.723 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:33.724 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:33.724 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:37.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:37.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:37.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:37.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:39.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:39.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:41.564 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:41.564 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:41.564 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:41.564 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:43.565 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:43.565 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:44.919 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:21:44.919 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:21:44.919 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|22] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:21:44.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:44.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:44.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:44.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:46.920 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:46.920 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:50.933 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:50.933 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:50.933 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:50.933 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:52.934 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:52.934 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:21:57.463 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:57.463 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:21:57.463 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:21:57.463 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:21:59.464 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:21:59.464 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:05.366 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:05.366 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:09.700 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:22:09.700 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:22:09.700 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|23] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:22:09.700 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:09.700 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:09.700 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:09.700 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:11.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:11.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:15.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:15.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:15.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:15.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:17.322 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:17.322 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:22.237 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:22.237 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:22.237 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:22.237 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:24.239 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:24.239 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:28.369 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:28.369 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:28.369 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:28.369 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:30.370 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:30.370 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:32.003 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:22:32.003 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:22:32.003 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|24] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:22:32.003 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:32.003 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:32.003 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:32.003 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:34.005 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:34.005 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:38.173 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:38.173 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:38.173 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:38.173 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:40.174 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:40.174 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:41.850 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:41.850 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:41.850 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:41.850 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:43.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:43.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:48.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:48.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:48.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:48.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:50.759 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:50.759 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:22:55.067 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:22:55.067 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:22:55.067 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|25] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:22:55.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:55.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:22:55.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:22:55.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:22:57.068 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:22:57.068 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:00.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:00.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:00.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:00.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:02.129 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:02.129 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:04.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:04.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:04.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:04.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:06.852 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:06.852 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:08.236 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:08.236 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:08.236 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:08.236 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:10.237 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:10.237 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:14.810 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:23:14.810 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:23:14.810 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|26] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:23:14.810 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:14.810 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:14.810 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:14.810 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:16.811 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:16.811 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:19.171 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:19.171 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:19.171 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:19.171 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:21.172 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:21.172 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:25.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:25.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:25.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:25.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:27.073 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:27.073 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:28.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:28.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:28.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:28.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:30.833 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:30.833 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:33.576 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:23:33.576 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:23:33.576 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|27] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:23:33.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:33.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:33.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:33.576 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:35.578 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:35.578 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:37.602 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:37.602 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:37.602 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:37.602 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:39.603 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:39.603 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:40.835 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:40.835 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:40.835 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:40.835 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:42.836 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:42.836 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:47.062 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:47.062 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:47.062 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:47.062 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:49.063 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:49.063 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:53.459 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:23:53.459 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:23:53.459 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|28] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:23:53.459 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:53.459 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:53.459 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:53.459 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:23:55.461 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:55.461 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:23:59.110 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:23:59.110 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:23:59.110 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:23:59.110 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:01.111 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:01.111 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:05.122 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:05.122 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:05.122 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:05.122 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:07.123 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:07.123 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:10.189 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:10.189 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:10.189 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:10.189 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:12.190 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:12.190 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:14.729 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:24:14.729 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:24:14.729 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|29] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:24:14.729 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:14.729 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:14.729 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:14.729 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:16.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:16.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:18.056 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:18.056 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:18.056 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:18.056 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:20.057 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:20.057 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:23.884 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:23.884 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:23.884 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:23.884 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:25.886 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:25.886 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:29.842 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:29.842 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:29.842 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:29.842 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:31.843 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:31.843 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:34.229 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:24:34.229 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:24:34.229 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|30] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:24:34.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:34.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:34.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:34.229 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:36.230 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:36.230 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:40.817 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:40.817 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:40.817 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:40.817 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:42.818 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:42.818 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:45.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:45.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:45.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:45.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:47.702 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:47.702 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:52.649 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:52.649 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:52.649 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:52.649 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:24:54.651 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:54.651 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:24:59.577 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:24:59.577 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:24:59.577 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|31] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:24:59.577 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:24:59.577 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:24:59.577 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:24:59.578 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:01.578 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:01.578 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:02.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:02.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:02.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:02.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:04.772 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:04.772 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:08.690 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:08.690 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:08.690 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:08.690 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:10.691 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:10.691 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:15.314 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:15.314 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:15.314 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:15.314 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:17.315 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:17.315 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:19.954 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:25:19.954 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:25:19.954 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|32] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:25:19.954 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:19.954 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:19.954 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:19.954 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:21.955 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:21.955 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:23.718 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:23.718 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:23.718 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:23.718 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:25.720 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:25.720 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:27.075 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:27.075 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:27.075 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:27.075 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:29.076 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:29.076 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:30.127 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:30.127 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:30.127 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:30.127 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:32.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:32.128 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:36.012 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:25:36.012 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:25:36.012 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|33] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:25:36.012 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:36.012 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:36.012 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:36.012 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:38.013 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:38.013 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:39.226 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:39.226 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:39.226 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:39.226 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:41.227 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:41.227 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:42.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:42.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:42.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:42.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:44.430 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:44.430 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:48.219 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:48.219 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:48.219 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:48.219 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:50.220 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:50.220 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:53.065 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:25:53.065 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:25:53.065 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|34] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:25:53.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:53.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:53.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:53.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:55.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:55.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:25:57.474 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:57.474 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:25:57.474 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:25:57.474 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:25:59.475 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:25:59.475 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:03.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:03.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:03.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:03.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:05.138 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:05.138 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:09.948 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:09.948 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:09.948 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:09.948 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:11.949 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:11.949 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:15.182 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:26:15.182 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:26:15.182 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|35] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:26:15.182 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:15.182 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:15.182 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:15.182 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:17.183 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:17.183 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:19.467 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:19.467 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:19.467 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:19.467 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:21.468 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:21.468 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:22.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:22.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:22.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:22.638 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:24.640 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:24.640 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:26.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:26.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:26.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:26.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:28.696 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:28.696 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:31.550 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:26:31.550 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:26:31.550 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|36] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:26:31.550 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:31.550 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:31.550 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:31.550 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:33.551 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:33.551 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:35.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:35.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:35.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:35.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:37.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:37.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:40.040 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:40.040 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:40.040 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:40.040 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:42.041 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:42.041 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:43.825 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:43.825 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:43.825 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:43.825 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:45.827 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:45.827 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:47.908 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:26:47.908 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:26:47.908 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|37] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:26:47.908 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:47.908 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:47.908 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:47.909 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:49.909 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:49.909 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:53.320 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:53.320 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:53.320 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:53.320 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:55.322 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:55.322 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:26:56.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:56.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:26:56.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:26:56.600 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:26:58.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:26:58.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:01.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:01.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:01.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:01.758 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:03.759 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:03.759 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:07.601 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:27:07.601 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:27:07.601 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|38] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:27:07.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:07.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:07.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:07.601 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:09.602 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:09.602 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:14.329 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:14.329 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:14.329 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:14.329 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:16.330 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:16.330 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:18.521 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:18.521 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:18.521 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:18.521 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:20.522 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:20.522 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:22.592 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:22.592 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:22.592 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:22.592 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:24.594 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:24.594 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:25.988 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:27:25.988 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:27:25.988 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|39] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:27:25.988 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:25.988 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:25.988 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:25.988 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:27.989 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:27.989 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:30.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:30.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:30.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:30.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:32.388 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:32.388 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:35.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:35.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:35.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:35.136 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:37.137 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:37.137 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:39.792 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:39.792 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:39.792 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:39.792 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:41.793 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:41.793 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:45.730 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:27:45.730 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:27:45.730 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|40] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:27:45.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:45.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:45.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:45.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:47.731 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:47.731 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:49.726 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:49.726 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:49.726 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:49.726 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:51.727 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:51.727 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:52.918 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:52.918 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:52.918 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:52.918 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:54.920 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:54.920 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:27:57.334 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:57.334 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:27:57.334 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:27:57.334 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:27:59.335 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:27:59.335 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:28:02.779 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:28:02.779 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:02.782 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received FLUSH_RECONCILE, passing digest to NAKACK B-35601: [0 : 21 (0)], A-20274: [0 : 2244 (0)] 2011-12-06 04:28:02.782 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: returned from FLUSH_RECONCILE, sending RECONCILE_OK to B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:03.780 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:28:03.780 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:28:03.780 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|41] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:03.812 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: peer B-35601 closed socket (java.net.SocketException) 2011-12-06 04:28:03.812 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting B-35601 (own address is A-20274) 2011-12-06 04:28:03.812 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:03.812 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is null, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:05.313 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:05.313 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:05.313 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:08.812 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:10.312 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator B-35601 suspected, I am the neighbor, completing the flush 2011-12-06 04:28:10.312 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:28:10.312 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:10.312 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:10.312 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:10.312 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:28:10.312 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:28:11.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:11.042 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:28:11.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:28:11.042 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-35601], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:13.043 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:13.043 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:28:13.192 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 12222 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:13.192 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:13.813 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:14.693 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:28:14.693 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:14.693 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:16.192 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 15222 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:16.192 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-23595], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:28:16.347 [FINE] - STABLE: suspending message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:28:16.348 [FINE] - STABLE: resume task started, max_suspend_time=33000 2011-12-06 04:28:16.348 [FINE] - NAKACK: [setDigest()] existing digest: B-35601: [16 : 22 (22)], A-20274: [2097 : 2248 (2248)] new digest: B-35601: [16 : 22 (22)], C-23595: [0 : 0], A-20274: [2097 : 2247 (2247)] resulting digest: B-35601: [16 : 22 (22)], C-23595: [0 : 0 (0)], A-20274: [2097 : 2248 (2248)] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.348 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.348 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.348 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is B-35601, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.349 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 12MB (3 members) 2011-12-06 04:28:16.349 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.349 [INFO] - REPL: Member joined: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:16.349 [INFO] - REPL: C-23595[UNSYNCED]: setting state to IN_PROGRESS 2011-12-06 04:28:16.349 [FINE] - REPL: Session snapshot: [B-35601[SYNCED], C-23595[IN_PROGRESS]] 2011-12-06 04:28:16.349 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:17.345 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: could not create socket to B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:17.345 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting B-35601 (own address is A-20274) 2011-12-06 04:28:17.345 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:17.345 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:17.692 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:17.692 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:17.692 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:18.814 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.347 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.693 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: failed to collect all ACKs (expected=1) for unicast view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] after 2000ms, missing ACKs from [C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.693 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:28:19.693 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.693 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.693 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.693 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.694 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.694 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.694 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.694 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.694 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.695 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.695 [WARNING] - GMS: C-23595 already present; returning existing view [A-20274|42] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:19.695 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|43] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:28:20.314 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:20.314 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:20.314 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:21.349 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:23.351 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:23.815 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:25.316 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:25.316 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:25.316 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:25.354 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:27.356 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:28.195 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 11847 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:28.195 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 11847 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:28.195 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:28.815 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:29.358 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:29.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:29.695 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:29.695 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:29.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:29.695 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:29.695 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:31.195 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 14847 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:31.195 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 14847 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:31.195 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:31.360 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:32.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:32.695 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:32.695 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:32.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:32.695 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:32.695 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:33.048 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:28:33.048 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:28:33.048 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|44] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:28:33.362 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:33.816 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:34.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 17848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:34.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 17848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:34.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:35.316 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:35.316 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:35.316 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:35.365 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:36.436 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:36.436 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:36.436 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:37.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 20848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:37.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 20848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:37.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:37.367 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:38.817 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:39.369 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:40.156 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:40.156 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:40.156 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:40.156 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:40.156 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:40.156 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:40.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 23848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:40.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 23848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:40.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:41.371 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:43.116 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:43.116 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:43.116 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:43.116 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:43.116 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:43.116 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:43.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 26848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:43.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 26848 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:43.196 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:43.373 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:43.818 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:44.030 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:28:44.030 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:28:44.030 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|45] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:28:45.376 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:46.037 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:46.037 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:46.037 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:46.037 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:46.037 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:46.037 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:46.197 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 29849 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:46.197 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 29849 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:46.197 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:47.378 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:48.819 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:48.878 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:48.878 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:48.878 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:48.878 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:48.878 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:48.878 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:49.197 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 32849 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:49.197 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 32849 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:49.197 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:49.380 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:51.382 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:51.559 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:51.559 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:51.559 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:51.559 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:51.559 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:51.559 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:52.198 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 35850 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:52.198 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 35850 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:52.198 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:53.384 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:53.820 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:53.921 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:53.921 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:53.921 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:53.921 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:53.921 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:53.921 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:55.199 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 38851 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:55.199 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 38851 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:55.199 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:55.387 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:56.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:56.699 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:56.699 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:56.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:56.699 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:56.699 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:57.389 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:58.200 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 41852 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:58.200 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 41852 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:28:58.200 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:58.497 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:28:58.497 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:28:58.497 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|46] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:28:58.821 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:28:59.391 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:28:59.700 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:59.700 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:59.700 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:28:59.700 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:28:59.700 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:28:59.700 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:01.201 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 44853 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:01.201 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 44853 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:01.201 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:01.393 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:02.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:02.701 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:02.701 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:02.701 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:02.701 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:02.701 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:03.395 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:03.822 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:04.203 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 47855 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:04.203 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 47855 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:04.203 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:05.322 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:05.322 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:05.322 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:05.398 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:06.441 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:06.441 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:06.441 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:07.204 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 50856 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:07.204 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 50856 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:07.204 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:07.400 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:08.823 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:09.402 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:10.154 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:10.154 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:10.154 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:10.154 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:10.154 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:10.154 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:10.205 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 53857 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:10.205 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 53857 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:10.205 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:11.404 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:13.099 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:29:13.099 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:29:13.099 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|47] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:29:13.104 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:13.104 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:13.104 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:13.104 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:13.104 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:13.104 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:13.206 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 56858 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:13.206 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 56858 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:13.206 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:13.406 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:13.824 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:15.409 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:16.004 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:16.004 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:16.004 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:16.004 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:16.004 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:16.004 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:16.207 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 59859 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:16.207 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 59859 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:16.207 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:17.411 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:18.802 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:18.802 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:18.802 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:18.802 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:18.802 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:18.802 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:18.825 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:19.208 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 62860 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:19.208 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 62860 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:19.208 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:19.413 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:21.397 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:21.397 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:21.397 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:21.397 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:21.397 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:21.397 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:21.415 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:22.209 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 65861 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:22.209 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 65861 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:22.209 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:23.417 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:23.826 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:24.084 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:29:24.084 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:29:24.084 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|48] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:29:24.964 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:24.964 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:24.964 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:24.964 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:24.964 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:24.964 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:25.210 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 68862 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:25.210 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 68862 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:25.210 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:25.420 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:27.422 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:27.719 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:27.719 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:27.719 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:27.719 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:27.719 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:27.719 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:28.211 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 71863 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:28.211 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 71863 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:28.211 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:28.827 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:29.424 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:30.228 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:30.228 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:30.228 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:30.228 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:30.228 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:30.228 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:31.211 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 74863 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:31.211 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 74863 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:31.211 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:31.426 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:33.279 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:33.279 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:33.279 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:33.279 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:33.279 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:33.279 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:33.428 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:33.828 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:34.213 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 77865 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:34.213 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 77865 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:34.213 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:35.348 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:35.348 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:35.348 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:35.431 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:35.742 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:29:35.742 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:29:35.742 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|49] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:29:36.483 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:36.483 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:36.483 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:37.214 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 80866 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:37.214 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 80866 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:37.214 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:37.433 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:38.753 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:38.753 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:38.753 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:38.753 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:38.753 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:38.753 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:38.829 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:39.435 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:40.215 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 83867 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:40.215 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 83867 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:40.215 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:41.437 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:41.715 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:41.715 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:41.715 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:41.715 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:41.715 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:41.715 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:43.216 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 86868 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:43.216 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 86868 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:43.216 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:43.439 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:43.830 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:44.717 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:44.717 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:44.717 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:44.717 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:44.717 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:44.717 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:45.442 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:45.657 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:29:45.657 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:29:45.657 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|50] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:29:46.217 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 89869 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:46.217 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 89869 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:46.217 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:47.444 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:47.717 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:47.717 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:47.717 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:47.717 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:47.717 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:47.717 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:48.831 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:49.218 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 92870 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:49.218 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 92870 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:49.218 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:49.446 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:50.331 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:50.331 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:50.331 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:51.444 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:51.444 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:51.444 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:51.448 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:52.219 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 95871 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:52.219 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 95871 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:52.219 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:53.450 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:53.832 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:55.122 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:55.122 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:55.122 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:55.122 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:55.122 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:55.122 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:55.220 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 98872 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:55.220 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 98872 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:55.220 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:55.453 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:57.321 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:29:57.321 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:29:57.321 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|51] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:29:57.455 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:58.025 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:58.025 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:58.025 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:29:58.025 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:29:58.025 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:58.025 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:29:58.221 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 101873 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:58.221 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 101873 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:29:58.221 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:29:58.833 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:29:59.457 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:00.830 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:00.830 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:00.830 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:00.830 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:00.830 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:00.830 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:01.222 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 104874 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:01.222 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 104874 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:01.222 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:01.459 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:03.439 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:03.439 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:03.439 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:03.439 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:03.439 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:03.439 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:03.461 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:03.834 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:04.224 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 107876 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:04.224 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 107876 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:04.224 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:05.464 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:05.657 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:05.657 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:05.657 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:07.090 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:07.090 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:07.090 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:07.225 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 110877 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:07.225 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 110877 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:07.225 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:07.466 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:08.835 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:09.468 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:09.956 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:09.956 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:09.956 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:09.956 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:09.956 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:09.956 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:10.226 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 113878 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:10.226 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 113878 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:10.226 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:11.470 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:11.562 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:30:11.562 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:30:11.562 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|52] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:30:12.687 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:12.687 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:12.687 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:12.687 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:12.687 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:12.687 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:13.227 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 116879 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:13.227 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 116879 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:13.227 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:13.472 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:13.835 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:15.149 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:15.149 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:15.149 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:15.149 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:15.149 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:15.149 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:15.475 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:16.228 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 119880 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:16.228 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 119880 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:16.228 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:17.477 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:17.914 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:17.914 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:17.914 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:17.914 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:17.914 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:17.914 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:18.836 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:19.229 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 122881 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:19.229 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 122881 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:19.229 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:19.479 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:20.729 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:20.729 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:20.729 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:20.729 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:20.729 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:20.729 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:21.481 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:22.033 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:30:22.033 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:30:22.033 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|53] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:30:22.230 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 125882 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:22.230 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 125882 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:22.230 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:23.483 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:23.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:23.730 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:23.730 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:23.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:23.730 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:23.730 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:23.837 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:25.231 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 128883 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:25.231 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 128883 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:25.231 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:25.486 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:26.625 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:26.625 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:26.625 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:27.488 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:28.019 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:28.019 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:28.019 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:28.232 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 131884 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:28.232 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 131884 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:28.232 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:28.837 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:29.490 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:30.807 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:30.807 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:30.807 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:30.807 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:30.807 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:30.807 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:31.233 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 134885 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:31.233 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 134885 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:31.233 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:31.492 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:33.382 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:33.382 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:33.382 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:33.382 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:33.382 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:33.382 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:33.494 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:33.837 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:34.235 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 137887 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:34.235 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 137887 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:34.235 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:35.342 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:30:35.342 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:30:35.342 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|54] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:30:35.497 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:35.532 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:35.532 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:35.532 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:36.829 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:36.829 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:36.829 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:37.236 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 140888 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:37.236 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 140888 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:37.236 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:37.499 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:38.838 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:39.423 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:39.423 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:39.423 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:39.423 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:39.423 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:39.423 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:39.501 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:40.237 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 143889 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:40.237 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 143889 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:40.237 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:41.503 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:42.983 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:42.983 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:42.983 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:42.983 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:42.983 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:42.983 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:43.238 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 146890 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:43.238 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 146890 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:43.238 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:43.505 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:43.839 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:45.508 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:45.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:45.730 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:45.730 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:45.730 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:45.730 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:45.730 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:46.239 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 149891 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:46.239 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 149891 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:46.239 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:47.510 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:48.212 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:30:48.212 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:30:48.212 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|55] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:30:48.222 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:48.222 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:48.222 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:48.222 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:48.222 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:48.222 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:48.840 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:49.240 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 152892 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:49.240 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 152892 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:49.240 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:49.512 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:51.170 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:51.170 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:51.170 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:51.170 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:51.170 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:51.170 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:51.514 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:52.241 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 155893 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:52.241 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 155893 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:52.241 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:53.516 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:53.841 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:53.959 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:53.959 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:53.959 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:53.959 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:53.959 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:53.959 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:55.242 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 158894 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:55.242 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 158894 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:55.242 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:55.519 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:56.742 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:56.742 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:56.742 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:56.742 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:56.742 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:56.742 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:57.521 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:58.192 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:30:58.192 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:30:58.192 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|56] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:30:58.243 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 161895 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:58.243 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 161895 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:30:58.243 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:58.842 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:30:59.523 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:30:59.743 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:59.743 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:59.743 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:30:59.743 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:30:59.743 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:30:59.743 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:01.244 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 164896 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:01.244 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 164896 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:01.244 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:01.525 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:02.744 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:02.744 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:02.744 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:02.744 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:02.744 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:02.744 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:03.527 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:03.842 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:04.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 167898 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:04.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 167898 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:04.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:05.342 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:05.342 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:05.342 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:05.530 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:06.438 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:06.438 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:06.438 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:07.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 170898 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:07.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 170898 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:07.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:07.532 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:08.843 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:09.104 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:31:09.104 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:31:09.104 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|57] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:31:09.534 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:10.014 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:10.014 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:10.014 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:10.014 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:10.014 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:10.014 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:10.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 173898 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:10.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 173898 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:10.246 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:11.536 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:12.782 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:12.782 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:12.782 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:12.782 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:12.782 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:12.782 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:13.247 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 176899 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:13.247 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 176899 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:13.247 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:13.538 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:13.844 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:15.319 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:15.319 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:15.319 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:15.319 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:15.319 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:15.319 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:15.541 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:16.247 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 179899 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:16.247 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 179899 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:16.247 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:17.543 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:18.535 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:18.535 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:18.535 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:18.535 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:18.535 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:18.535 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:18.845 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:18.972 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:31:18.972 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:31:18.972 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|58] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:31:19.248 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 182900 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:19.248 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 182900 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:19.248 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:19.545 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:20.823 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:20.823 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:20.823 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:20.823 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:20.823 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:20.823 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:21.547 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:22.249 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 185901 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:22.249 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 185901 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:22.249 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:23.549 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:23.749 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:23.749 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:23.749 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:23.749 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:23.749 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:23.749 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:23.846 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:25.250 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 188902 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:25.250 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 188902 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:25.250 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:25.552 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:26.654 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:26.654 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:26.654 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:27.554 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:28.058 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:28.058 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:28.058 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:28.251 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 191903 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:28.251 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 191903 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:28.251 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:28.847 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:29.556 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:30.866 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:30.866 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:30.866 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:30.866 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:30.866 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:30.866 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:31.252 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 194904 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:31.252 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 194904 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:31.252 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:31.558 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:32.564 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:31:32.564 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:31:32.564 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|59] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:31:33.481 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:33.481 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:33.481 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:33.481 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:33.481 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:33.481 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:33.560 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:33.847 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:34.254 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 197906 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:34.254 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 197906 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:34.254 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:35.563 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:35.711 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:35.711 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:35.711 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:37.168 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:37.168 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:37.168 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:37.255 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 200907 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:37.255 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 200907 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:37.255 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:37.565 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:38.848 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:39.567 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:40.082 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:40.082 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:40.082 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:40.082 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:40.082 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:40.082 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:40.256 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 203908 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:40.256 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 203908 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:40.256 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:41.569 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:41.986 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:31:41.986 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:31:41.986 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|60] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:31:42.909 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:42.909 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:42.909 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:42.909 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:42.909 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:42.909 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:43.257 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 206909 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:43.257 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 206909 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:43.257 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:43.571 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:43.849 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:45.563 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:45.563 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:45.563 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:45.563 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:45.563 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:45.563 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:45.574 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:46.258 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 209910 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:46.258 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 209910 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:46.258 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:47.576 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:47.869 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:47.869 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:47.869 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:47.869 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:47.869 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:47.869 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:48.850 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:49.259 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 212911 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:49.259 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 212911 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:49.259 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:49.578 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:50.759 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:50.759 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:50.759 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:50.759 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:50.759 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:50.759 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:51.580 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:52.188 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:31:52.188 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:31:52.188 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|61] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:31:52.260 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 215912 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:52.260 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 215912 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:52.260 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:53.582 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:53.760 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:53.760 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:53.760 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:53.760 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:53.760 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:53.760 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:53.851 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:55.261 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 218913 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:55.261 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 218913 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:55.261 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:55.585 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:56.671 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:56.671 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:56.671 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:31:57.587 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:58.081 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:31:58.081 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:58.081 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:31:58.262 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 221914 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:58.262 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 221914 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:31:58.262 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:31:58.852 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:31:59.589 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:00.901 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:00.901 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:00.901 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:00.901 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:00.901 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:00.901 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:01.263 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 224915 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:01.263 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 224915 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:01.263 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:01.591 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:03.540 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:03.540 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:03.540 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:03.540 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:03.540 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:03.540 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:03.593 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:03.853 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:04.235 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:32:04.235 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:32:04.235 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|62] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:04.265 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 227917 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:04.265 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 227917 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:04.265 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:05.596 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:05.818 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:05.818 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:05.818 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:05.818 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:05.818 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:05.818 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:07.266 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 230918 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:07.266 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 230918 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:07.266 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:07.598 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:08.766 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:08.766 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:08.766 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:08.766 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:08.766 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:08.766 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:08.854 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:09.600 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:10.267 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 233919 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:10.267 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 233919 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:10.267 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:11.602 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:11.678 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:11.678 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:11.678 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:13.089 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:13.089 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:13.089 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:13.268 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 236920 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:13.268 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 236920 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:13.268 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:13.604 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:13.855 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:15.607 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:15.912 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:15.912 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:15.912 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:15.912 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:15.912 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:15.912 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:16.269 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 239921 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:16.269 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 239921 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:16.269 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:17.609 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:17.797 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:32:17.797 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:32:17.797 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|63] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:18.556 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:18.556 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:18.556 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:18.556 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:18.556 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:18.556 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:18.856 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:19.270 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 242922 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:19.270 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 242922 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:19.270 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:19.611 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:20.843 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:20.843 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:20.843 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:20.843 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:20.843 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:20.843 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:21.613 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:22.271 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 245923 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:22.271 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 245923 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:22.271 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:23.615 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:23.771 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:23.771 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:23.771 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:23.771 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:23.771 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:23.771 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:23.857 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:25.272 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 248924 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:25.272 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 248924 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:25.272 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:25.618 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:26.687 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:26.687 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:26.687 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:27.620 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:28.102 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:28.102 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:28.102 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:28.273 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 251925 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:28.273 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 251925 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:28.273 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:28.858 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:29.622 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:30.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:30.932 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:30.932 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:30.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:30.932 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:30.932 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:31.274 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 254926 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:31.274 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 254926 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:31.274 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:31.624 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:32.716 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:32:32.716 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:32:32.716 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-53802], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|64] [A-20274, B-35601, C-23595, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:33.591 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:33.591 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:33.591 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:33.591 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:33.591 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:33.591 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:33.626 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:33.858 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:34.276 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 257928 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:34.276 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 257928 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:34.276 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:35.629 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:35.909 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:35.909 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:35.909 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:35.909 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:35.909 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:35.909 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:37.277 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 260929 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:37.277 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 260929 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:37.277 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:37.631 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:38.777 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:38.777 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:38.777 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:38.777 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:38.777 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:38.777 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:38.859 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:39.633 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:40.278 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 263930 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:40.278 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 263930 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:40.278 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:41.635 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:41.695 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:41.695 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:41.695 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:43.112 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:43.112 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:43.112 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:43.279 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 266931 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:43.279 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 266931 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:43.279 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:43.637 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:43.860 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:45.640 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:45.947 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:45.947 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:45.947 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:45.947 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:45.947 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:45.947 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:46.280 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 269932 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:46.280 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 269932 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:46.280 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:47.298 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:32:47.298 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:32:47.348 [FINE] - GMS: new=[], suspected=[B-35601, C-23595], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|65] [A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:47.642 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:48.615 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:48.615 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:48.615 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:48.615 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:48.615 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:48.615 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:48.861 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:49.281 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 272933 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:49.281 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 272933 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:49.281 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:49.644 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:50.950 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:50.950 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:50.950 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:50.950 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:50.950 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:50.950 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:51.646 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:52.282 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 275934 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:52.282 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 275934 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:52.282 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:53.648 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:53.782 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:53.782 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:53.782 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:53.782 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:53.782 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:53.782 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:53.862 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-35601] 2011-12-06 04:32:55.283 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 278935 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:55.283 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 278935 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:55.283 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:55.651 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:56.704 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:56.704 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:56.704 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:57.653 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-23595, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:58.125 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:32:58.125 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:58.125 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:58.284 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-35601 for 281936 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:58.284 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-23595 for 281936 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:32:58.284 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [B-35601, C-23595] 2011-12-06 04:32:58.548 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:32:58.548 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|65] [A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:58.548 [FINE] - NAKACK: removed B-35601 from xmit_table (not member anymore) 2011-12-06 04:32:58.548 [FINE] - NAKACK: removed C-23595 from xmit_table (not member anymore) 2011-12-06 04:32:58.548 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:58.549 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 8MB (2 members) 2011-12-06 04:32:58.549 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|65] [A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:58.549 [INFO] - REPL: Member left: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:32:58.549 [INFO] - REPL: Member left: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:32:58.549 [INFO] - REPL: Member joined: C-53802 2011-12-06 04:32:58.549 [INFO] - REPL: C-53802[UNSYNCED]: setting state to IN_PROGRESS 2011-12-06 04:32:58.550 [FINE] - REPL: Session snapshot: [C-53802[IN_PROGRESS]] 2011-12-06 04:32:58.550 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|65] [A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:59.655 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-53802, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:32:59.655 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-53802, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:33:00.549 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: failed to collect all ACKs (expected=2) for view [A-20274|65] [A-20274, C-53802] after 2000ms, missing ACKs from [C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:00.549 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:33:00.549 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:33:00.549 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:33:00.549 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:33:00.973 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-35601, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:33:00.973 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-35601 2011-12-06 04:33:00.973 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-35601 2011-12-06 04:33:00.973 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-23595, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:33:00.973 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-23595 2011-12-06 04:33:00.973 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-23595 2011-12-06 04:33:01.657 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-53802, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:03.659 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-53802, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:05.662 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-53802, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:05.662 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-53802, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:33:07.664 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-53802, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:09.666 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-53802, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:10.286 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-53802 for 11737 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:33:10.286 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:11.668 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-53802, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-53802] 2011-12-06 04:33:11.668 [WARNING] - UDP: null: no physical address for C-53802, dropping message 2011-12-06 04:33:11.786 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-53802, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:33:11.786 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-53802 2011-12-06 04:33:11.786 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-53802 2011-12-06 04:33:11.836 [FINE] - GMS: new=[], suspected=[C-53802], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|66] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:33:11.836 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:33:11.836 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:33:11.836 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:33:11.836 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:33:11.836 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:33:11.836 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|66] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:33:11.837 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:33:12.137 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 4MB (1 members) 2011-12-06 04:33:12.137 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|66] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:33:12.137 [INFO] - REPL: Member left: C-53802 2011-12-06 04:33:12.137 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|66] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:33:12.137 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:33:12.137 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:33:12.138 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:33:12.138 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - GMS: new=[B-13600], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|67] [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - STABLE: suspending message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:34:14.425 [FINE] - STABLE: resume task started, max_suspend_time=33000 2011-12-06 04:34:14.426 [FINE] - NAKACK: [setDigest()] existing digest: A-20274: [2097 : 2258 (2258)] new digest: B-13600: [0 : 0], A-20274: [2097 : 2257 (2257)] resulting digest: B-13600: [0 : 0 (0)], A-20274: [2097 : 2258 (2258)] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.426 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|67] [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.426 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.426 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is B-13600, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.426 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 8MB (2 members) 2011-12-06 04:34:14.426 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|67] [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.427 [INFO] - REPL: Member joined: B-13600 2011-12-06 04:34:14.427 [INFO] - REPL: B-13600[UNSYNCED]: setting state to IN_PROGRESS 2011-12-06 04:34:14.427 [FINE] - REPL: Session snapshot: [B-13600[IN_PROGRESS]] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.427 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|67] [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.449 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:34:14.461 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: Responding to state requester B-13600 with address and digest null 2011-12-06 04:34:14.464 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: StateProviderThreadSpawner listening at 2011-12-06 04:34:14.464 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: Accepted request for state transfer from / handing of to PooledExecutor thread 2011-12-06 04:34:14.464 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: Running on Thread[STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER-sender-4,A-20274,5,JGroups]. Accepted request for state transfer from /, original buffer size was 8192 and was reset to 16384, passing outputstream up... 2011-12-06 04:34:14.661 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER_COORD: Initiating batch synchronization 2011-12-06 04:34:14.661 [FINE] - REPL: Received StateReq@c9c069c9b73b{30f6405d144d=[e7442dae-201d-11e1-b815-8fcb4d21bc4b,1817], b11b72ea3e7a=[af8d2e37-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752,88374], 690000000000=[5f2cbf50-c346-11e0-962b-690000000000,2], c9c069c9b73b=[f5604ddc-2013-11e1-a71f-5b28b8258e58,3715]}[CLvups6GuDITCwjNqPSC5J4MEillNzQ0MmRhZS0yMDFkLTExZTEtYjgxNS04ZmNiNGQyMWJjNGJfMTgxNwwLCICAgICAoBoSJjVmMmNiZjUwLWMzNDYtMTFlMC05NjJiLTY5MDAwMDAwMDAwMF8yDAsI+vyol7ejLBIqYWY4ZDJlMzctMjAyNC0xMWUxLWIwOTAtNzFjYWEzY2YyNzUyXzg4Mzc0DAsIu+6mzoa4MhIpZjU2MDRkZGMtMjAxMy0xMWUxLWE3MWYtNWIyOGI4MjU4ZTU4XzM3MTUMFA==] 2011-12-06 04:34:14.727 [FINE] - REPL: Wrote StateReq@b11b72ea3e7a{30f6405d144d=[e7442dae-201d-11e1-b815-8fcb4d21bc4b,1817], 690000000000=[5f2cbf50-c346-11e0-962b-690000000000,2], b11b72ea3e7a=[af8d2e37-2024-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752,88374], c9c069c9b73b=[f5604ddc-2013-11e1-a71f-5b28b8258e58,3715]} (220 bytes) 2011-12-06 04:34:14.789 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER: Building BATCH synchronization EMPTY: no transactions 2011-12-06 04:34:14.795 [FINE] - REPL: Wrote batch sync messages (5 bytes) 2011-12-06 04:34:14.795 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER_COORD: Wrote state (227 bytes) in 133 milliseconds 2011-12-06 04:34:14.795 [FINE] - STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER: State writer is closing the socket 2011-12-06 04:34:15.983 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:34:15.984 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:34:16.189 [FINE] - REPL: Incoming message: src=B-13600, dest=ALL, size=5 2011-12-06 04:34:16.191 [INFO] - REPL: Received BatchSynchronization[numEnts=0] from MASTER@B-13600 2011-12-06 04:34:16.191 [INFO] - REPL: B-13600[IN_PROGRESS]: setting state to SYNCED 2011-12-06 04:34:16.191 [FINE] - REPL: Session snapshot: [B-13600[SYNCED]] 2011-12-06 04:35:29.201 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|68] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:35:29.201 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:29.201 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:35:29.201 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:35:29.201 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:35:31.202 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:31.202 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:35:35.554 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:35.554 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:35:35.554 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:35:35.554 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:35:37.555 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:37.555 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:35:41.945 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:41.945 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:35:41.945 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:35:41.945 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:35:43.946 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:43.946 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:35:46.822 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:46.822 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:35:46.822 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:35:46.822 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:35:48.823 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:48.823 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:35:50.499 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:35:50.499 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:35:50.499 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|69] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:35:50.499 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:50.499 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:35:50.499 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:35:50.500 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:35:52.500 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:52.500 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:35:55.050 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:55.050 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:35:55.050 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:35:55.050 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:35:57.051 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:35:57.051 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:00.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:00.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:00.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:00.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:02.365 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:02.365 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:06.407 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:06.407 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:06.407 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:06.407 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:08.408 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:08.408 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:11.560 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:36:11.560 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:36:11.560 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|70] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:36:11.560 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:11.560 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:11.560 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:11.560 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:13.561 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:13.561 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:17.145 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:17.145 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:17.145 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:17.145 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:19.146 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:19.146 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:22.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:22.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:22.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:22.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:24.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:24.770 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:29.087 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:29.087 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:29.087 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:29.087 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:31.088 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:31.088 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:33.066 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:36:33.066 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:36:33.066 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|71] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:36:33.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:33.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:33.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:33.066 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:35.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:35.067 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:37.460 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:37.460 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:37.460 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:37.460 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:39.461 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:39.461 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:42.931 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:42.931 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:42.931 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:42.931 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:44.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:44.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:47.341 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:47.341 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:47.341 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:47.341 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:49.342 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:49.342 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:50.425 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:36:50.425 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:36:50.425 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|72] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:36:50.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:50.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:50.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:50.425 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:52.426 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:52.426 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:36:57.240 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:57.240 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:36:57.240 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:36:57.240 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:36:59.241 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:36:59.241 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:01.946 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:01.946 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:01.946 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:01.946 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:03.947 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:03.947 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:05.557 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:07.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:07.558 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:10.914 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:37:10.914 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:37:10.914 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|73] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:37:10.914 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:10.914 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:10.914 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:10.914 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:12.915 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:12.915 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:14.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:14.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:14.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:14.851 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:16.852 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:16.852 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:19.027 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:19.027 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:19.027 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:19.027 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:21.028 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:21.028 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:24.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:24.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:24.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:24.347 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:26.348 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:26.348 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:27.610 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:37:27.610 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:37:27.610 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|74] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:37:27.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:27.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:27.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:27.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:29.611 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:29.611 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:30.797 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:30.797 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:30.797 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:30.797 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:32.798 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:32.798 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:35.609 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:35.609 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:35.609 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:35.609 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:37.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:37.610 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:41.119 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:41.119 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:41.119 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:41.119 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:43.120 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:43.120 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:45.888 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:37:45.888 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:37:45.888 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|75] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:37:45.888 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:45.888 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:45.888 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:45.888 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:47.889 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:47.889 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:50.526 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:50.526 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:50.526 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:50.526 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:52.527 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:52.527 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:37:55.293 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:55.293 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:37:55.293 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:37:55.293 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:37:57.294 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:37:57.294 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:02.131 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:02.131 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:02.131 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:02.131 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:04.132 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:04.132 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:06.624 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:38:06.624 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:38:06.624 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|76] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:38:06.624 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:06.624 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:06.624 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:06.624 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:08.625 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:08.625 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:11.510 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:11.510 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:11.510 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:11.510 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:13.511 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:13.511 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:17.331 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:17.331 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:17.331 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:17.331 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:19.332 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:19.332 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:21.054 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:21.054 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:21.054 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:21.054 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:23.055 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:23.055 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:23.978 [FINE] - REPL: Fetched 1 incremental updates [b635e862-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752] newLastId=b635e862-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752 sentUpdts=88375 2011-12-06 04:38:23.980 [INFO] - REPL: MASTER: Outgoing INCREMENTAL synchronization (1351) Adding transaction b635e862-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752[timestamp=2011-12-06T16:38:22.559,numEnts=7] 2011-12-06 04:38:25.462 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:38:25.462 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:38:25.462 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|77] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:38:25.462 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:25.462 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:25.462 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:25.462 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:27.463 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:27.463 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:31.242 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:31.242 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:31.242 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:31.242 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:33.243 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:33.243 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:34.712 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:34.712 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:34.712 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:34.712 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:36.713 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:36.713 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:39.001 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:39.001 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:39.001 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:39.001 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:41.002 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:41.002 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:42.440 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:38:42.440 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:38:42.440 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|78] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:38:42.440 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:42.440 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:42.440 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:42.440 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:44.441 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:44.441 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:46.235 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:46.235 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:46.235 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:46.235 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:48.236 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:48.236 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:49.934 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:49.934 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:49.934 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:49.934 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:51.935 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:51.935 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:55.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:55.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:55.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:55.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:38:57.248 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:57.248 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:38:59.401 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:38:59.401 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:38:59.401 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|79] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:38:59.401 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:38:59.401 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:38:59.401 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:38:59.401 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:01.402 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:01.402 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:03.720 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:03.720 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:03.720 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:03.720 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:05.721 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:05.721 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:08.692 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:08.692 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:08.692 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:08.692 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:10.693 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:10.693 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:15.102 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:15.102 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:15.102 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:15.102 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:17.103 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:17.103 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:20.484 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:39:20.484 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:39:20.484 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|80] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:39:20.484 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:20.484 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:20.484 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:20.484 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:22.485 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:22.485 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:25.345 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:25.345 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:25.345 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:25.345 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:27.346 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:27.346 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:29.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:29.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:29.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:29.387 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:31.388 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:31.388 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:35.595 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:35.595 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:35.595 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:35.595 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:37.596 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:37.596 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:40.315 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:39:40.315 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:39:40.315 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|81] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:39:40.315 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:40.315 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:40.315 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:40.315 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:42.316 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:42.316 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:43.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:43.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:43.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:43.321 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:45.322 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:45.322 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:48.204 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:48.204 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:48.204 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:48.204 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:50.205 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:50.205 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:53.441 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:53.441 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:53.441 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:53.441 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:39:55.442 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:55.442 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:39:58.015 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:39:58.015 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:39:58.015 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|82] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:39:58.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:39:58.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:39:58.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:39:58.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:00.016 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:00.016 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:03.364 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:05.365 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:05.365 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:09.274 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:09.274 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:09.274 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:09.274 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:11.275 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:11.275 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:15.241 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:15.241 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:15.241 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:15.241 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:17.242 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:17.242 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:19.361 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:40:19.361 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:40:19.361 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|83] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:40:19.361 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:19.361 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:19.361 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:19.361 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:21.362 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:21.362 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:24.735 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:24.735 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:24.735 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:24.735 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:26.736 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:26.736 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:30.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:30.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:30.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:30.072 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:32.073 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:32.073 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:34.838 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:34.838 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:34.838 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:34.838 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:36.839 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:36.839 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:41.664 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:40:41.664 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:40:41.664 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|84] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:40:41.664 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:41.664 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:41.664 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:41.664 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:43.665 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:43.665 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:44.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:44.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:44.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:44.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:46.756 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:46.756 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:49.383 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:49.383 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:49.383 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:49.383 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:51.384 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:51.384 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:52.921 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:52.921 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:52.921 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:52.921 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:54.922 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:54.922 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:40:56.409 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:40:56.409 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:40:56.409 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|85] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:40:56.409 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:56.409 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:40:56.409 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:40:56.409 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:40:58.410 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:40:58.410 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:02.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:02.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:02.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:02.919 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:04.920 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:04.920 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:08.408 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:08.408 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:08.408 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:08.408 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:10.409 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:10.409 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:14.857 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:14.857 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:14.857 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:14.857 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:16.858 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:16.858 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:20.247 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:41:20.247 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:41:20.247 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|86] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:41:20.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:20.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:20.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:20.247 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:22.248 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:22.248 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:26.925 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:26.925 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:26.925 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:26.925 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:28.926 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:28.926 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:33.000 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:33.000 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:33.000 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:33.000 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:35.001 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:35.001 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:39.283 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:39.283 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:39.283 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:39.283 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:41.284 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:41.284 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:44.985 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:41:44.985 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:41:44.985 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|87] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:41:44.985 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:44.985 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:44.985 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:44.986 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:46.986 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:46.986 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:48.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:48.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:48.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:48.932 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:50.933 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:50.933 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:41:54.523 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:54.523 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:41:54.523 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:41:54.523 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:41:56.524 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:41:56.524 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:00.654 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:00.654 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:00.654 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:00.654 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:02.655 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:02.655 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:04.832 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:42:04.832 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:42:04.832 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|88] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:42:04.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:04.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:04.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:04.832 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:06.833 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:06.833 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:11.446 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:11.446 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:11.446 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:11.446 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:13.447 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:13.447 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:17.977 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:17.977 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:17.977 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:17.977 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:19.978 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:19.978 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:21.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:21.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:21.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:21.428 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:23.429 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:23.429 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:26.113 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:42:26.113 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:42:26.113 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|89] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:42:26.113 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:26.113 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:26.113 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:26.113 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:28.114 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:28.114 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:32.926 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:32.926 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:32.926 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:32.926 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:34.927 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:34.927 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:38.208 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:38.208 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:38.208 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:38.208 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:40.209 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:40.209 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:43.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:43.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:43.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:43.755 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:45.756 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:45.756 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:48.249 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:42:48.249 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:42:48.249 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|90] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:42:48.249 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:48.249 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:48.249 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:48.249 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:50.250 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:50.250 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:53.033 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:53.033 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:53.033 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:53.033 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:55.034 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:55.034 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:42:56.160 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:56.160 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:42:56.160 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:42:56.160 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:42:58.161 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:42:58.161 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:43:00.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:00.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:00.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:43:00.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:02.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:02.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:43:04.185 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:43:04.185 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:43:04.185 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|91] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:04.185 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:04.185 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:04.185 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:43:04.185 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:06.186 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:06.186 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:43:08.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:08.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:08.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:43:08.698 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:10.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:10.699 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:43:15.584 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:15.584 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:15.584 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:43:15.584 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:17.585 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:17.585 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:43:19.006 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:19.006 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:19.006 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:43:19.006 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed false, flushMembers [A-20274, B-13600], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:21.007 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: timed out waiting for flush responses after 2000 ms. Rejecting flush to participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:21.007 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received ABORT_FLUSH from flush coordinator A-20274, am I flush participant=true 2011-12-06 04:43:21.367 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: peer B-13600 closed socket (java.net.SocketException) 2011-12-06 04:43:21.367 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting B-13600 (own address is A-20274) 2011-12-06 04:43:21.368 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:21.368 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is null, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:22.868 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-13600, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [] 2011-12-06 04:43:22.868 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:22.868 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - GMS: new=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], suspected=[], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274, B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, but not sending BLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:43:25.253 [FINE] - STABLE: suspending message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:43:25.254 [FINE] - STABLE: resume task started, max_suspend_time=33000 2011-12-06 04:43:25.254 [FINE] - NAKACK: [setDigest()] existing digest: B-13600: [9 : 13 (13)], A-20274: [2261 : 2362 (2362)] new digest: B-13600: [9 : 13 (13)], A-20274: [2261 : 2361 (2361)], C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a): [0 : 0] resulting digest: B-13600: [9 : 13 (13)], A-20274: [2261 : 2362 (2362)], C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a): [0 : 0 (0)] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.254 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.254 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.254 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is B-13600, pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.254 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 12MB (3 members) 2011-12-06 04:43:25.255 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.255 [INFO] - REPL: Member joined: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) 2011-12-06 04:43:25.255 [INFO] - REPL: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)[UNSYNCED]: setting state to IN_PROGRESS 2011-12-06 04:43:25.255 [FINE] - REPL: Session snapshot: [B-13600[SYNCED], C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)[IN_PROGRESS]] 2011-12-06 04:43:25.255 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:26.254 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: could not create socket to B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:26.254 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting B-13600 (own address is A-20274) 2011-12-06 04:43:26.254 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:26.254 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:26.368 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:27.255 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: failed to collect all ACKs (expected=2) for view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] after 2000ms, missing ACKs from [B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:27.754 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-13600, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:27.754 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:27.754 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:28.256 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.256 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: failed to collect all ACKs (expected=1) for unicast view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] after 2000ms, missing ACKs from [C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.256 [FINE] - STABLE: resuming message garbage collection 2011-12-06 04:43:29.256 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.256 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.256 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.256 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.256 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.257 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.257 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.257 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.257 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.257 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.258 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.258 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.258 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.258 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.258 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.258 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.259 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.259 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.259 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.259 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.259 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.259 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.260 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.260 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.260 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.260 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.260 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.261 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.261 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.261 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.261 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.261 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.262 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.262 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.262 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.262 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.262 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.262 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.263 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.263 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.263 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.263 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.263 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.264 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.264 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.264 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.264 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.264 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.264 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.265 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.265 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.265 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.265 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.265 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.265 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.266 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.266 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.266 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.266 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.266 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.267 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.267 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.267 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.267 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.267 [WARNING] - GMS: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) already present; returning existing view [A-20274|92] [A-20274, B-13600, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:29.317 [FINE] - GMS: new=[], suspected=[B-13600], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|93] [A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:30.258 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:31.369 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:32.260 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:32.869 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-13600, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:32.869 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:32.869 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:34.262 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:35.514 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-13600 for 10260 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:43:35.514 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) for 10260 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:43:35.514 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:36.264 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:36.370 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: suspecting [B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:37.014 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-13600, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:37.014 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:37.014 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:37.014 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:37.014 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) 2011-12-06 04:43:37.014 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) 2011-12-06 04:43:38.266 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: ping_dest is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), pingable_mbrs=[A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:38.514 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from B-13600 for 13260 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:43:38.514 [FINE] - FD_ALL: haven't received a heartbeat from C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) for 13260 ms, adding it to suspect list 2011-12-06 04:43:38.514 [FINE] - FD_ALL: suspecting [C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), B-13600] 2011-12-06 04:43:38.989 [WARNING] - GMS: A-20274: GMS flush by coordinator failed 2011-12-06 04:43:38.989 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|93] [A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:38.989 [FINE] - NAKACK: removed B-13600 from xmit_table (not member anymore) 2011-12-06 04:43:38.989 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:38.990 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 8MB (2 members) 2011-12-06 04:43:38.990 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|93] [A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:38.990 [INFO] - REPL: Member left: B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:38.990 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|93] [A-20274, C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is B-13600, completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: B-13600 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: suspect is C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a), completed false, flushOkSet {}, flushMembers [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - RequestCorrelator: suspect=C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [INFO] - REPL: Suspect node: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:40.015 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:43:40.065 [FINE] - GMS: new=[], suspected=[C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a)], leaving=[], new view: [A-20274|94] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: flush coordinator is starting FLUSH with participants [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.065 [FINE] - REPL: Block received 2011-12-06 04:43:40.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received START_FLUSH, responded with FLUSH_COMPLETED to A-20274 2011-12-06 04:43:40.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: FLUSH_COMPLETED from A-20274, completed true, flushMembers [A-20274], flushCompleted [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.065 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: all FLUSH_COMPLETED received 2011-12-06 04:43:40.066 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: view is [A-20274|94] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.066 [FINE] - NAKACK: removed C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) from xmit_table (not member anymore) 2011-12-06 04:43:40.066 [FINE] - FD_SOCK: VIEW_CHANGE received: [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.192 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: blocking for 120000ms 2011-12-06 04:43:40.366 [FINE] - STABLE: [ergonomics] setting max_bytes to 4MB (1 members) 2011-12-06 04:43:40.366 [FINE] - REPL: Accepted view: [A-20274|94] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.366 [INFO] - REPL: Member left: C-18621(04fbe06f8b6a) 2011-12-06 04:43:40.366 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: installing view [A-20274|94] [A-20274] 2011-12-06 04:43:40.367 [FINE] - GMS: A-20274: sending RESUME event 2011-12-06 04:43:40.367 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received RESUME, sending STOP_FLUSH to all 2011-12-06 04:43:40.367 [FINE] - FLUSH: A-20274: received STOP_FLUSH, unblocking FLUSH.down() and sending UNBLOCK up 2011-12-06 04:43:40.367 [FINE] - REPL: Unblock received 2011-12-06 04:43:41.753 [FINE] - REPL: Fetched 9 incremental updates [b7b39399-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, b905f5c3-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, d53dfe2d-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, d9e4393d-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, db14a072-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, fb8371e1-2028-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, 210b5c55-2029-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, 441731df-2029-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752, 70c62b44-2029-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752] newLastId=70c62b44-2029-11e1-b090-71caa3cf2752 sentUpdts=88384 2011-12-06 04:43:41.753 [WARNING] - REPL: Insufficient members in cluster. Aborting