This JIRA was requested by Stuart Douglas as part of issue ( Classloader Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() no longer inspects WEB-INF/lib ) Test environment: Windows 7 64 bit with java 1.6 U24 installed (both 64 bit - default version) and with 32 bit installed. Eclipse Indigo 32 bit running with 32 bit jvm by using command line option -vm C:\s\java32\bin\javaw.exe JBoss Tools 3.3.0-M2 installed within Eclipse Jboss AS 7.0.0.CR1 running using 64 bit JVM from Dos using unmodified standalone.bat Also when started via Eclipse server runtime. After starting AS7 using either method, the deployed war file jndiTests.war contains servlet jndiListerServlet so the error is triggered by browsing to http://localhost:8080/jndiTests/JndiListerServlet Note that is deployed in WEB-INF/lib but is not found by the servlet. Is this location not considered to be on the classpath ? eclipse-as7.log is the eclipse log is the war folder from {JBOSS_HOME]\standalone\deployments is the eclipse project Gerry Matte