Release Notes - Debezium - Version 0.6.2 - HTML format


  • [DBZ-217] - Connector fails and stops when coming across corrupt event
  • [DBZ-259] - [Postgres] Interval column causes exception during handling of DELETE
  • [DBZ-260] - Timestamp field not handle time zone correctly
  • [DBZ-285] - The scope of the Kafka Connect dependency should be "provided"
  • [DBZ-323] - KafkaCluster#withKafkaConfiguration() does not work
  • [DBZ-396] - MySQL connector "initial_only" snapshot mode results in CPU spike from ConnectorTask polling
  • [DBZ-412] - Allow to omit COLUMN word in ALTER TABLE MODIFY/ALTER/CHANGE
  • [DBZ-415] - MySQL connector should handle stored procedure definitions
  • [DBZ-419] - Support constraints without name in DDL statement
  • [DBZ-422] - Short field not null throw an exception
  • [DBZ-425] - ALTER TABLE cannot change default value of column
  • [DBZ-428] - DDL containing text column with length specification cannot be parsed
  • [DBZ-429] - Integer column with negative default value causes MySQL connector to crash
  • [DBZ-437] - MySQL procedure parser handles strings and keywords as same tokens
  • [DBZ-438] - Mongo initial sync misses records with initial.sync.max.threads > 1
  • [DBZ-439] - Can't parse DDL containing PRECISION clause without parameters
  • [DBZ-447] - Task restart triggers MBean to register twice


  • [DBZ-418] - Docker micro version tags (e.g., 0.6.1)
  • [DBZ-427] - Create a CI job for testing with PostgreSQL 10
  • [DBZ-450] - Upgrade dependencies in Docker images to match Kafka
  • [DBZ-456] - Remove slowness in KafkaDatabaseHistoryTest


  • [DBZ-401] - Log current position in MySQL binlog to simplify debugging
  • [DBZ-424] - Support PostgreSQL 10
  • [DBZ-426] - Create a Docker image for PostgreSQL 10
  • [DBZ-430] - Add example for using Avro messages
  • [DBZ-445] - Make postGIS dependency optional
  • [DBZ-458] - Avro console-consumer example in docs

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