Release Notes - RESTEasy - Version 3.0.6.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [RESTEASY-872] - Only first request is successfull if NettyJaxrsServer+AsynchronousResponse is used
  • [RESTEASY-1000] - Configurable client response buffer size


  • [RESTEASY-911] - Validation of method params is not internationalized
  • [RESTEASY-952] - @Context injection doesn't work in super class
  • [RESTEASY-954] - Using @MultipartForm doesn't work with ResteasyClientBuilder
  • [RESTEASY-986] - Netty4 async not working
  • [RESTEASY-990] - Another Null pointer exception in GeneralValidatorImpl
  • [RESTEASY-992] - Client gives out of memory error, if consuming a huge multipart form via POST
  • [RESTEASY-999] - Guice: arbitrary order of binding declarations may lead to a problem during the initialization due to missing conversion dependencies
  • [RESTEASY-1001] - client proxy isn't setting entity annotations on request


  • [RESTEASY-955] - filename support for a @MultipartForm annotated class
  • [RESTEASY-991] - Utilize @WithAnnotations to improve extension loading performance

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