Release Notes - RESTEasy - Version 3.0.2.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [RESTEASY-899] - javax.validation.Validator shouldn't be retrieved eagerly
  • [RESTEASY-900] - Create text-based response if validation fails
  • [RESTEASY-909] - Support for forwarding requests to HTTP container.


  • [RESTEASY-846] - ContainerResponseContext.setStatus(301) in ContainerResponseFilter returns status 200 OK
  • [RESTEASY-859] - resteasy-jaxrs - TJWSServletServerTest.testFile() may fail
  • [RESTEASY-864] - NullPointerException in ResteasyViolationException while converting violations to string representation
  • [RESTEASY-870] - resteasy-client not declared in resteasy-bom
  • [RESTEASY-897] - Content-Range headeres should be prefaced with "bytes"
  • [RESTEASY-904] - URLConnectionClientExecutor unable to execute POST requests
  • [RESTEASY-905] - RestEasy doesn't answer Asynchronous request when validation fails
  • [RESTEASY-907] - Caching validator factory in static ValidatorContextResolver#validatorFactory causes memory leak

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