Release Notes - Debezium - Version 0.4.1 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [DBZ-140] - Support Amazon RDS (w/ MySQL and Aurora) with MySQL Connector
  • [DBZ-188] - Allow a debezium mysql connector to filter production of DML events into kafka by the mysql UUID of the event


  • [DBZ-192] - Permission error on jira side when attempting to access release notes
  • [DBZ-193] - DDL Parsing Exception for fulltext index
  • [DBZ-194] - Improve MySQL connector's filtering of built-in tables
  • [DBZ-197] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing binlog enum
  • [DBZ-200] - Reserved keywords (e.g. `UNIQUE`) is used as column name in source table
  • [DBZ-201] - Different message keys for creates and updates
  • [DBZ-204] - MySQL Connector failing due to ALTER command


  • [DBZ-158] - Use Postgres' official JDBC driver for streaming logical changes
  • [DBZ-202] - Fix daylight savings related test failures


  • [DBZ-196] - support for innodb savepoints in replication stream

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